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Sam laughed and took the joint from my hand. He took one last drag before putting it out.

Everything was silent except for the faint sound of music coming from the house.

*Beep beep beep*

"What was that?" I chuckled.

Before Sam could answer my question the sprinklers went off.

"Shit!" Sam quickly stood up, pulled me off the ground and grabbed his sweater before we made a run for the house.

The whole time we were running we were laughing. When we made it back to the house we were completely soaked.

"Did I not turn the sprinklers off?" Nate laughed hysterically.

"Looks like you didn't" Sam joked.

"Sorry man!" He patted Sam's back and walked away.

"You can wear a T-Shirt of mine" Sam glanced at me.

We walked through the back door and into the kitchen.

"Wet shirt!" A guy yelled from across the kitchen.

Soon all eyes were on me. I looked down and noticed that my rose coloured bra was starting to show through my tank top.

"Like you guys have never seen a bra before" I sarcastically said, crossing my arms.

Sam tried to hold in his laughter but ended up letting out a couple giggles. He handed me his jacket and I held it against my chest. He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me upstairs to his bedroom.

He closed the door behind him and went into his dresser to grab a change of clothes. He pulled out a white crew neck T-Shirt and a pair of khaki pants.

He took off his hat and ran his hands through his hair. He removed his shirt and pants and stood in his boxers.

I took a seat on the end of the bed and waited for Sam to grab me a shirt.

"Is this one okay?" He held up a white T-Shirt with a half naked girl on the front.

"Yea it's fine" I laughed.

Sam turned his back to me and changed into his clothes. I quickly took off my tank top, threw on his T-Shirt and tucked it into my shorts.

I turned around and met Sam's eyes.

He eyed me up and down and slightly bit his lip.

"Where is the bathroom?" I asked.

"There's one in here" He pointed across the room.

I walked into the bathroom and wiped the makeup from under my eyes. Luckily my makeup was waterproof except for the bottom eyeliner I had put on last minute.

I noticed a blow dryer hanging on the wall so I turned it on and started drying my hair. I was pretty much done when Sam came in and put his face in front of the blow dryer.

I rolled my eyes and started drying his hair. He closed his eyes and let me spike it a bit. I ran my fingers through his hair multiple times until it was fully dry.

I placed the blow dryer back on the wall and did the finishing touches on his hair.

"Done" I smiled.

He looked in the mirror and raised both his eyebrows.

"I should get you to do my hair more often" He stared in awe at his hair.

I grinned and leaned against the counter.

"Want to go back downstairs?" He turned to face me.

"Yea" I answered and walked out of the bathroom.

We walked down the stairs and people were staring at us, wiggling their eyebrows and giving Sam the thumbs up.

"Hey Sam" A girl with her boobs pushed up smiled.

"Hey Tessa" He smiled, checking her out.

She was giggling like an idiot and twirling her hair.

I walked around Tessa and through the living room. I made my way to the kitchen and made myself a drink.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder so I turned around.

"Hey Mark" I smiled hopping onto the counter.

"Sorry about earlier" He rubbed his thumb on my knee.

"It's okay, I was more annoyed with those girls" I leaned against the cupboards.

"Okay good. We're gonna take some body shots. Do you want to join?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Why not" I shrugged and hopped off the counter.

We walked to the island in the middle of the kitchen and I watched as Bailey laid flat on the counter and Nate took the shot of tequila off her stomach and took lime from her mouth.

"Lux's turn!" Mark yelled and nudged me forward.

I hopped onto the island and laid flat. A guy handed me a lime and I placed it between my teeth.

"Who's taking the shot?" The same guy asked.

"I will" Sam raised his hand and winked at me.

I took the lime out of my mouth and propped myself up.

"Sam snapped out of Tessa's boob trance?" I gasped.

He grinned and motioned for me to shh. I laid flat and put the lime back between my teeth. I lifted my shirt up to my bra and took a deep breath. The guy poured tequila down the valley on my stomach and into my belly button.

Sam placed his hand on my hip and sucked up the alcohol on my stomach. His lips trailed up my body and ended just below my bra.

He licked his lips and smirked as he went to take the lime. He slightly opened his mouth and bit into the lime. His lips brushed against mine as he took the lime from my mouth.

He passed me a towel and threw the lime in the sink before walking away.

I dried my stomach off and pulled my shirt down. I tucked it back into my shorts and hopped off the counter.

"Sooo what's going on between you and Sammy?" Bailey nudged me.

"Nothing, I mean he's cute and all but I don't know him that well" I shrugged.

"Excuse us Bailey" Sam placed his hand on her shoulder and turned to face me.

"Come with me" He held up a bottle of vodka and pulled me through a crowd of people.

He stopped in front of a door. He looked left then right before opening it. Sam turned around and pulled me inside.

He pulled a string that turned on a light to reveal that we were in a coat closet.

"Why are we in a closet?" I laughed.

"I want to get to know you better and I can't if people keep coming around" Sam took a seat on the floor.

"What do you want to know?" I sat down across from him.

"Let's play a game. If I ask you a question and you answer it, I take a shot. If I ask you a question and you refuse to answer it then you take a shot, and vice versa" He unscrewed the vodka cap.

I nodded and criss crossed my legs.

"Okay, last name?" He pulled one knee to his chest.

"Lafferty" I answered.

"Mines Wilkinson" He picked up the bottle and took a shot.

"Why do you want to get to know me better?" I moved a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I find you interesting" He smirked.

I grinned and took a shot of vodka.

This went on for a while until the night was a blur.

Flirt // Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now