|Boots of wonder|

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|Ace Carlyle|

Lotus and I have been the only people in the house for three days now, she makes breakfast, lunch, and dinner for me every day but she always eats in the kitchen and I, in my room; it must be so alone down there so I think I'm gonna eat in the kitchen with her from now on.

This morning I read somewhere that my dad is getting married to my ex so that should be fun, I'm gonna be part of that club of people who have had sex with their stepmom, but I think my case is very unique.

"Lotus?" I called out as I walked into the kitchen.

She rushed into the kitchen with one side of her hair braided and the other one only halfway "Yes?"

I cleared my throat "Are you busy?"

"No," she said as she continued to braid her hair "do you need anything?"

I sat on one of the wooden stools "I'm going to the city to get supplies for the next three weeks, and I need your help."

She nodded "Okay, just let me go get my coat."

"Lotus, you don't have to wear your uniform, this is supposed to be your Christmas break," I smiled softly.

She nodded with a half smile "Give me 10 minutes," she turned around and rushed back upstairs.

Lotus is such a nice girl, best friend material for sure, I feel like I can tell her anything. She promised to teach me how to fold clothes, make the bed and iron my suits so I can do it when I'm on a trip. After 10 minutes of waiting, she came downstairs combing her hair with her fingers "Where did the braids go?" I smiled getting up.

"I didn't really like how they turned out," she replied fixing her snow jacket on herself.

It's cute seeing her struggle with the zipper "Let me," I reached for the zipper "these things are tricky," I zipped it up and accidentally pulled her close "sorry," I cleared my throat looking down at her green orbs.

She shook her head with a blush spreading across her face "Thank you."

I nodded and took a step back clearing my throat "I'm going to get the car, meet you at the door," I turned around and left rolling my eyes at myself.

Whatever, it was just an accident and we are alone, that's why I feel this thing to be following her around the house and talking when she's doing whatever she needs to do—mhh, I shouldn't have said that, no no, I shouldn't have.

I am attracted to her but I can't help it, we are both alone, like actually alone; we don't have anyone in our lives, I mean I do have the guys but they are not here and they haven't been betrayed like me.

Once I was in the black Land Rover I drove out of the garage and towards the main door, she came out looking at her phone with a frown on her face "Everything okay, Lotus?"

A sigh left her mouth as she nodded "Yeah, everything peachy," she gazed at me with a sad smile.

"All right," I think asking her again will only make it worse so that's where the subject ended "you want to listen to some music?" I handed her my phone "you pick."

She took the phone and I drove down the gravel path "Did you know that Jazz boosts your creativity and productivity at work, relieves stress, and increases your immunity?"

"Really?" I smiled taking a right at the gate "I'll start playing Jazz records at the office."

Lotus giggled "Can I ask what you do at your work?"

Okay, that's a first.

I nodded "I'm the CEO of Carlyle International which was my grandad's but he gave it to me because he didn't trust my dad and now I understand why," I chuckled "it seems like it was all handed to me in a silver platter but I had to graduate Summa Cum Laude from an Ivy League School, work since I was 13 and a bunch of things I can't even remember but it wasn't easy when all you want to do is go play with a ball but at the same time you have to choose to be your grandpa's assistant so he knows how bad you want that dreamed future."

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