Chapter 28: Reincarnate

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Y/N Pov

I walked through the streets, I have a plan going to the Sweet Lane shop, until I bumped someone

I turned around to look who was it

It was an old man, I immediately apologize many times, because it's a senior citizen, and I'm really respectful to them.

Y/N: Oh my gosh, i'm really clumsy! I'm so so sorry! Sorry! Sorry...

Old man: Ugh! That hurts, but it was just an accident so I forgive you.

Y/N: Thanks. Sorry again...

I smiled at the old man, and the old man looked at my face. I then walk away

Old man: Y/N...?

I stopped. How does he know my name? I don't even know him.

I turned around

Y/N: H-huh? How did you know my name?

Old man: I'm a close friend of your mom and dad. I also know what happened to you.

Y/N: Right. And what are you on about?

Old man: I also know that Mingrui time leaped for you.

Y/N: What!? How...!?

He then starts to explain what happened, but I believe him.

Old man: Do you believe me?

Y/N: Yes.

Old man: Here....

The old man give me a golden compass.

Old man: This is the golden compass Mingrui used.

Y/N: Oh, but why are you giving me this?

Old man: To time leap back to the day when Mingrui was still alive.

Y/N: Wait... What!? Nothing will even happen! The same thing just happens...

Old man: Oh, I forgot to tell you. That golden compass doesn't just allows you to time leap...

Y/N: ?

"It also allows you to reincarnate"-Old man

As I time leap back to the day you were still alive, I'll give my heart to you so you can survive...

To Be Continued...

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