Chapter Four

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“Yeah, that’s what I am beginning to think too,” she says before storming off. I watch her go. Her blonde curly hair that she’d left down bounced as she walks off. She looks so hot without her glasses and yet she also looked hot with them. That girl doesn’t know how beautiful she is and how my made up Anne is saving her life.

I feel more than see someone walk up to me and I knew it was him without even looking over my shoulder.

“Meet me in the car park,” he whispers and with that he disappears like a ghost, as usual. I sigh and get up; downing the last bit off coffee I had in my cup. I stroll out into the car park and see his car sitting there. Its tinted windows and black paint coat shows mysterious to other people, but to me it screams deadly.

I knock three times on the window and climb into his car. He was sitting in the driver’s seat and I in the passengers. It wasn’t anything like the cool movie scenes where you sit in the back of the limo and discuss business; he wasn’t that rich.

“Why’d she storm out Zachary? Why couldn’t you have kept her there? Can you not do the job?” he asks, bored. I don’t look at him; I just stare through the front window.

“I can do it,” I insist.

“Yeah, you better do it. This is the only way Zach, the only way to get the Troy fortune. I need money for my drugs. You need it for your music. The younger sister is harder than she looks. I’ve already got as far as I can with her, but she’s not really a very emotional child. She just uses people, like I do really.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “So we need to get to the other one. The quiet one. The nobody. Got it?”

I nod without looking at him. But I can feel his eyes on me. I get out of his car and climb into my own. Driving off in my old silver Fiat Punto I wonder why I agreed to do this again. I didn’t think that this ‘nobody’ would be as nice as she was. I don’t want to hurt her. She isn’t a nobody. But I need to get into university to support my family. To support my sister.

I created Anne just to protect her, the plan was for me to seduce her and make her fall for me. But I couldn’t do it; so I created Anne just to put her off me. I hoped she would get the hint and leave me alone. How could I seduce her if she didn’t like me? But I don’t think it worked. I could read the emotions in her eyes when I told her about Anne; she was hurt, yet determined. I don’t know what for, maybe to be my friend? I don’t know.

I should stay away from her.

But I need the money.

I shouldn’t hurt her.

Yet it hurt to be away from her.

It is wrong.

My sister needs me.

And that won me over; my sister needing my help, my sister relying on me. She means more to me than anything.

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