Chapter Six

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  • Dedicated to Molly Warner-Mattey


It had only been a day since I had seen Ivy, and it certainly shows in my attitude today. After storming out of my house due to a row with my mother and passing a few red lights while driving to college, I found myself in a fist fight with Craig Johnston, the college bully. He did a course in bricklaying, obviously.

“You wanna say that again? Johnston.” I remark in a vicious tone.

He sneers at me. “I said I slept with your mum last night. And she kept asking for it in the bum. Got a problem with that, Solomon?”

“Jeez dude,” I say shaking my head. “You're sick.” With that I punch him in the face, knocking him on the ground and I walk off, leaving him crying for my mother. Dickhead.

I make my way into my too early class that randomly starts at eight am and was still ten minutes early, but it was somehow good, I needed to get the gear warmed up. We had a band called ‘The Warner Sister’s’ coming in to let us mix them. They weren’t overly huge, but they were on the rise.

The computers wheeze on sounding like an old man with asthma while I dust down the microphones and instruments. Believe it or not, dust reduces the sound efficacy.

Every time I come into this room now, I always think of Ivy and the time she showed me those tricks with recording. She hasn't even stepped foot into this room but what she taught me at the studios, well, I took every little piece of detail in and now every mixing board I see just re-minds me of her.

It was five to eight when I heard the door open. I was too busy to look up; it was probably James the teacher anyway. Yes, in this college we use first name terms for the teachers, took me a while to get used to it too.

“How is our plan with little Ivy going?” I hear a distinctive voice whisper in my ear. I jump back and stare at him.

“Fine” I say, pissed off at his intrusion. What was he doing here?!

“Well it doesn’t look that way!” He slaps down a girly gossip magazine on the decks in front of me. And I gaze passively down at it; hiding any emotions. Ivy looks so beautiful. She had her long blonde hair down and wavy, she’d lost the glasses, like she did when I saw her last. And she was wearing the most stunning black dress I had ever seen. It showed off her curvy figure and made her legs look twice as long. She was so hot. But then my gaze refocused and spotted a boy next to her. He looked like a model; blonde/brown hair, stupidly toned, blue eyes and an expensive black suit. He screamed rich and famous. He was looking down at Ivy who was looking at the door of the restaurant. His hand on the small of her back. It wasn’t his great looks or the fact he was touching Ivy that made me jealous. Oh no, it was the look in his eyes. He was watching her as if she were the most amazing thing he’d ever seen. He had the look in his eyes that I had developed by accident. The one that I was ashamed of. I shouldn’t have fallen for Ivy. Why do I care for her? We shouldn’t have had this connection. Not in my situation.

I look up at him with my mouth hanging slightly ajar. “Yeah, that’s what I thought Zachary!” He shouts at me. “Now I suggest you stop playing around and actually get her.”

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