Chapter Five

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  • Dedicated to To all my fans!

I rose from my bed tired and groggy due to the lack of sleep. I needed to get to college, so I tried to persuade my slow and stiff legs to move. I was going to be late if I didn’t hurry up. Finally, I stumbled into the college corridors in search of my next class. Two hours later, when I was on my free, I had finally woken up.

I was sipping my lovely milky coffee, with sugar, on my own thinking about that dream. It was bugging me like mad. I’ve always been superstitious, I mean, it kept me entertained, but this? This was different. It felt different anyway; it felt real. I sigh. What was I thinking? It was just a dream.

College passed like college passed, slow and boring. Finally I was out. Zach had called me during lunch to ask whether I could meet today, but I told him no. Supposedly I had a dinner date with my family. Fun.

I park my black spider in the garage, and strolled inside, pulling my trade mark ponytail tighter. Maisie was in her room fussing with her hair as I tried to sneak past, I didn’t want her asking for help.

“IVY!” she screams. “I need your help! I can’t curl the back of my hair properly!” Great. I have been seen. I walk back to her door and pop my head around the door frame.

“Oh, I didn’t see you there,” I begin in a faux chirpy voice. “Erm, well I need to get ready myself Maisie, ask Emily.” Emily was the main house keeper. She also obeyed Maisie’s every whim.

“But we’ve got two and a half hours till we gotta go! You don’t need to take that long to get ready! And you can’t fool me into thinking you do, I mean look at you!”

“Thanks Maisie. Thanks a lot” I say dryly while walking down the corridor to my room. She begins to scream and I close my door, lock it and turn up my beautiful surround sound stereo. I was pumping Eliza Doolittle through the speakers while I took a quick shower. By the time I was out and my hair was dried, the screaming had stopped.

I decide to leave my hair down because the messy blow dry had given it some nice waves. I also decided to put in my contacts instead of wearing my glasses. I felt like I wanted to look pretty tonight.

The last time my family had a dinner out, we ended up having the next biggest act come along with us. My parents wanted to see if I and Maisie would get along with Justin Bieber. For me, he was too much of a pretty boy, but Maisie was in love.

So you never certain of whom would be coming along with us tonight. Mum told me to dress formally, so I pulled out my trusted black number. It was so elegant and pretty, and showed my slight curvy figure. I add my diamond encrusted stilettos, and was walking out of my room twenty minutes later … Maybe Maisie was right.

I walk passed her bedroom to go down stairs and saw that she was still struggling with her hair. I smirk and scurry on. This time, she didn’t see me.

As soon as I step into to the lounge, I crash down upon the large cream sofa and start to watch The Simpsons. I love funny television channels and soon I was in fits over Homer’s dumb behaviour and Bart’s mischievous pranks.

My parents came home about fifteen minutes before we had to go, tugging along a hunk of a guy. He followed in after my parents and smiled at me. He had golden shaggy hair, with brown flecks in it. Bright blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean, and an impressively toned physique; he was possibly the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen.

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