Mr. Thompson

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Right after Suzie left, the secretary gave the letter to the boss, saying it was urgent.
After he read the letter, he looked up Suzies address on his pc, canceled all his appointment for that day and left for Suzies home.
Arriving there he saw that her front door was open so he enters the house.

T.J: Miss Davies?

As he entered the living room he saw one of his employees quickly turning around.

F: Mr. Thompson, what are u doing here?

T.J: I believe that that's a question I should be asking you. Aren't you supposed to be at work?

F: I heard about the commotion at work so I came to check on Suzie.

T.J. wasn't sure why but he didn't believe a word the man was saying. Whilst looking at the man in front of him he noticed the man was trying to hide something with his foot so T.J. looked down.
The moment he saw the tiny woman laying there he couldn't help but stare.
Meanwhile Finn was debating whether to hit his boss k.o or leaving Suzie.
As T.J. was looking up, a fist came his way towards his face but he caught it and clamped it down hard in his hand.

T.J: I may be a workaholic but in my office is a built in gym where I train at least 2h a day. Want to try again? 

F: Let go. You are hurting me.

T.J: Oh, I will let you go, that's for sure. I want your resignation letter in my office by tomorrow. Let it be clear that I never want to see your face again. If you are caught at the office, I will personally escort you out. Is that understood?
Also, I suggest you seek mental treatment.

Whilst clamping down harder on the mans fist for a minute longer, he let go with pointing a finger at the door.

T.J: Out, now!

After the man left, T.J. kneeled down beside the unconscious tiny woman, carefully picked her up and placed her in his palm. Seeing her chest rise slowly with breaths he let out a sigh of releave.
After placing her gently in his pocket, he left the house, making sure he wasn't followed and made his way home, thinking about what to do.

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