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Ben was leaving the building with Suzie in his pocket when Finn snuck up on him and put his hand in the pocket in which Suzie was in.
Ben took hold of the man's hand, turned around and punched him on the nose after twisting his wrist painfully.

B: Care to explain what you think you are doing?

F: If I can't have her I be will damn well sure no one else will either.

B: That is a threat and in case you didn't know that I am a police detective then you know now because you are under arrest!

Ben took handcuffs out his back pocket and cuffed Finn with one hand to a radiator. He called it in and waited for the officers to pick him up.
Ben walked to his car, got in and looked down in his pocket to see Suzie covered in some sort of powdery substance.

B: You okay?

S: Yeah, he probably just wanted to scare me.

B: Maybe but I think it best to tell T.J. about this. 

S: No! He does not need to know! T.J. will only be concerned about nothing because nothing happened, the idiot just put sugar or something on me.

B: For now, I will let it slide.

S: Thank you, Ben.

B: Lets get you cleaned up because now you look like a little snow fairy. 

S: Cruddface.

B: Ah, you love me.

S: Yeah, you're starting to grow on me.

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