Swimming pool

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That night T.J. slept in the living room on the sofa, not wanting Suzie to be alone. She still refused to give up her plan to leave so he kept her locked up, even tough it broke his heart to do so. It took 2 days to convince her that what she wanted to do would be dangerous if not deadly. 

The next day he took her outdoors to a swimming pool after he changed into swimming shorts and Suzie in a barbie doll swimming suit. It was his way of trying to get her to relax a little.

T.J: I made alterations to ensure your safety, so there is a little pool on the side of my swimming pool.

He than lowered Suzie on to the edge of her pool and dove into the warmed water. After swimming some laps he returned to the side and looked down at Suzie.

T.J: Enjoying the water?

S: Yes, it is realy nice.

Suzie saw his hand coming down, she felt herself being lifted up in the air. She tried to look away but T.J. waited patiently for her to look at him.

T.J:  Do you think i didn't notice you clinging on to the side of the pool as if your life depended on it?

S: I can't swim, okay. You can start to laugh now.

T.J: Why would I laugh? It is important that you learn because it can one day save your life. If you want I can teach you.

S: Please don't trow me in the water please!

T.J: I would never ever do something dangerous like that. You need to trust me, not fear me.

S: I trust you with my life but I'm scared. Firts time I want swimming Mark threw me in the middle of the pool and left me. Someone else got me out just in time.

Once again, T.J wanted to throttle that idiot brother of hers.

^ I will not leave your side, I promise.Now I am going to lower you in to the pool.

T.J. did as he said and started giving Suzie directions as to how to swim properly all the while keeping his hands in a bowl under her so if she sank, he could easily bring her back to the surface. 
Everything went fine. T.J. took away his hands but didn't leave her side. The moment that Suzie noticed that his hands weren't beneath her anymore, she panicked and started sink. It didn't take more than a second for her to be lifted out of the water and on to a soft towel. She coffed up the water she ingested when she was under water.

T.J. gently dried her off with the towel.

T.J: Shh, calm down, you are all right.

S: You removed your hands!

T.J: I did because you were doing great.

S: Oh...

T.J: Now, I suggest that we get dressed, eat something and then go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Suzie got a gut wrenching feeling that it wasn't going to be pleasant. 

S: What are you going to do?

T.J: I have to go back to the office and I have no other choice than to take you with me. Whilst you stay safe in my office I am going to clean up the floor.

That sounded like a dark promise.

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