His friends

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After the cleanup T.J. returned to his office. The second he sat down in his chair, his office door flew open and Ben, one of his two best friends burst trough.

B: I did not hear what I just heard, did I?

T.J: I don't know what you heard sow enlighten me please.

B: You where off work for more than a month?

T.J: Yes.

B: Uh, I was sure you were going to deny that.

T.J: No, it's true.

B: Does it have anything to do with why you called asked  me to come here?

T.J: Yes, it does. I also called David, he will be here shortly.

A few minutes later the door opened again to David entering.

D: As order by the big boss, here I am. I told you already but I will tell you again, you work way to much. It's not healthy.

T.J: Yes yes, you told me and I can promise you that that is going to change.

D: Yeah, need to see it to believe it.

T.J: I will show you the reason why I was absent for more then a month and why I called you.

T.J. took the necklace with the key from his neck, opened the drawer, carefully picked up Suzie and placed her in front of him on the desk.

T.J: Gentlemen, this is Suzie. Suzie, these are my two best friends David and Ben. 

B: Eh, am I going insane or am I seeing a tiny female?

T.J: You are not going insane. David, you do not seem surprised?

D: Not entirely. I have a past with Sydney that isn't something I like to talk about but it involved her shrinking.

B: Well, I would like to know why you needed us to know of the lady's existence.

T.J: I need one of you to take her with you. You two are the only ones I trust with her safety.

S: No! I will not go!

T.J: Suzie, listen....

Suzie ran towards T.J, jumped on his lap and used his pants leg to slide down on to the ground. The three men, at that point, jumped on their feet in order to stop her.
She saw the office door that was left open and went for it but just as she was about to reach it, Ben closed it.

B: Sorry little lady, but no luck here.

S: Cruddface!

B: Hey, that's not nice.

Suzie turned around and faced an open window so she ran towards that.

D: T.J, close the window please, leave Suzie to me. I have some catching experience with Sydney so I will take care of this situation.

As T.J. closed the window, Suzie hid under a couch.

D: Suzie, as you can see there are no escape options here so can you come out before you get hurt?

Suzie had one last trick up her sleeve as she bolted for an open crack in the wall but just as she was to reach it, David put his gigantic foot in front of it and as she slammed against it, he bent down, picked her up gently and gave her to T.J. who asked the two men to wait in the hall for a moment. After they left, he looked at Suzie and saw her glaring at him.

T.J: Suzie, what where you thinking?

S: You said you were going to protect and care for me and now you are dumping me onto two complete strangers. I should have known it was to good to be true. But you do not have to bother your friends just put me outside and I will leave you alone.

T.J: Sweetie, I am not dumping you on my friends nor am I putting you outside. While I am working I do not like having to lock you in that drawer because you never know who might enter my office and see you. That's why I want you to go with either Ben or David so you can be safe but do not need to hide. As for that part about caring for you, I really do care a lot for you and I will do whatever is in my power to protect you.

S: I thought you wanted me out of your life. I know it is a lot to ask of you and I am forever grateful and indebted to you.

^ Don't worry about it, I like having you around and....

T.J. couldn't finish his sentence because David and Ben came back into the office and sat back down.

B: Has the little lady calmed down?

S: The name is Suzie, not little lady.

B: How about you call me Ben and I will call you Suzie?

S: Okay.

After some talking it was decided that Suzie would spend the rest of the day with Ben, cause David had to discuss it with Sydney but he didn't think it was going to be a problem.

So Suzie left with Ben, hidden in his jacket pocket

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