Chapter 12

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We were all huddled into the livingroom, watching a movie, when the doorbell rang. Alondra was half asleep against my chest, so I sent Mark to answer the door.

I leaned down and placed a soft kiss ontop of her hair, and she sighed softly. I smiled and pulled her in tighter.

"Chelsea, wonderful to see you again!" Mark's voice boomed. I froze and Alondra jumped when the door slammed. She sat up and stretched as Mark led Chelsea into the livingroom.

"Hi guys!" Chelsea yelled. My mom lifted her head from my fathers shoulder and gasped.

"Hey honey! How are you?" My dad stood and pulled her into a hug as he ruffled her hair. He grinned at her and said "How are you kiddo?" Chelsea smiled up at him and said "I'm great. I just got your RSVP. I'm so excited you'll be at the wedding."

"We couldn't miss our only fake daughter's wedding." My mom said with a laugh.

I could feel the heat rising on my face. Alondra was quiet, but very stiff beside me. She was sitting straight up now, and frying to casually watch my family interact with Chelsea.

Chelsea unzipped her white jacket and said shrugged it off as she turned towards me.

"Chris! How a-" she stopped, brows furrowing as she looked at Alondra. She folded her jacket over her arm and forced out a smile. She stepped forward and said "Hi, I'm sorry I didn't know Chris was having company. I'm Chelsea, the best friend."

Alondra stood, and firmly gripped Chelsea's hand with a smile. She shook it as she said "Hello, I'm Alondra."

Chelsea nodded and flopped down next to me on the couch. Alondra slowly lowered herself beside me, but much further than she had been earlier. I found myself missing her warmth pressed against me.

"Chris, I haven't gotten your RSVP. You're coming to the wedding, aren't you?" Chelsea asked me. I swallowed hard. Clearing my throat I said "Of course, Chels. Wouldn't miss it."

Chelsea started to ramble on about colors and flowers and bands. My mom was thrilled to talk weddings, but my father just wanted to get back to the movie. He pushed his hand through his salt and pepper hair and sighed.

I summoned the courage to cast a look at Alondra, but she wouldn't look at me. She was busy scrolling along on her phone. I could see the discomfort on her face. Slowly, I pushed my hand along the couch and tapped the back of her left hand. She didnt look at me.

My heart fell. I wanted to introduce her to Chelsea but not like this. I knew she was uncomfortable and most likely irritated. Quickly, I stood and grabbed Alondra's hand.

Chelsea was turned towards my mom, discussing flower arrangements. I pulled Alondra over to the back door and slid the door open. We went through the threshold and I dragged her down the stairs of the pourch.

"Where are we going?" Alondra asked quietly. I didn't respond, but kept walking. I pulled her through the grass to the gate on the side of the house. I felt Alondra tug on my hand and she again asked where I was taking her.

We crossed the street and I finally stopped. We were standing by the edge of the large pond that was the center of my parents neighborhood. The surface was still, and cast a perfect reflection of the full moon back up towards the sky.

Turning to her, I smiled and said "This is my favorite spot. It's missing a bench... or maybe a tall tree to disappear into but... I come here when I need to be alone or to think."

Alondra's large eyes shone in the moonlight. Her features were highlighted by the pale glow, and it made my heart thunder. My God she was beautiful. What killed me though, was the saddness I saw swimming inside thoes brown eyes.

"You probably have been here a lot with Chelsea." She mumbled, looking past me out over the water. I stepped towards her and wrapped my arms around her waste. I tilted her head up and said "Yes, I have. However... I've never stood here like this with her."

"That's because she doesn't know you love her." She said. I flinched a bit. She wasn't wrong...

I sighed and said "Once again... you're right. However, when I think about who I want to be here with me, kissing in the moonlight at my favorite spot... I'm not thinking about Chelsea."

Alondra's stance softened a bit and she blinked up at me.

"Well who is it that you are picturing?" She asked. I chuckled and replied "You, of course."

"You're lying."

"I am not."

"You are. We aren't kissing, so it can't be me."

I laughed before taking her face in my hands and slowly leaning down to kiss her. I hovered above her lips for just a moment before pressing my lips to hers softly.

We stood there for a long time. My hands on her soft face, and hers wrapped around my waste, gripping the back of my shirt.

I wasn't lying when I told her I wasnt thinking of Chelsea in that moment... but I had spent many nights wondering what it would be like to kiss her there. It made me feel a bit guilty if I was being honest with myself.

After a while, she pulled away from me, and rested her head on my chest. I held her close and rubbed her back as we looked over the lake.

Guilt gnawed in my chest as my mind wandered to Chelsea. Had she taken Anthony here? Had they been standing on this very spot, in my spot, and made out under the stars? The thought made my stomach churn.

I felt myself becoming angry. Why the hell did I care so much? I have never been with Chelsea and never will, so why can't I just let it go?

In that moment I decided, screw it. I want going to let myself sulk over this anymore. I had an amazing girl in my arms and I wasn't going to let some school boy crush ruin it.

Easy as pie...right?

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