Agapi Pt 2

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What's up guys I'm back. Did you miss me? I'm kidding...lemme shut up.

Agapi's POV
December 3, 2018
8 pm

"Mani. Mani wake up. Please wake up we need to go. Mani."

I shook my sister over and over but she didn't move a muscle. She just laid there. Ever so still.

I pressed the phone to my ear again. "She isn't waking up."

"What do you mean she's not waking up? Is she ok?"

"I don't know mommy I tried shaking her but she won't move."

"Is she breathing? Baby I want you to press two fingers on her neck and tell me if you feel anything ok?"

I did what I was told and pressed my fingers to her neck. I felt little bumps like a drum. Thump thump thump.

"Mommy I feel something. Her neck is bumping."

"Ok...ok..good. Alright Agapi listen to me. You need to wake her up. I don't know how you're gonna do it but I need you to find a way ok? Do whatever it takes I don't care ok? I need you both to come out of that house alive do you understand?"

"Yes mommy."

"Alright. In the meantime I'm gonna see if I can track the phone you're using down. If I can Imma come get you ok?"

"Yes mommy."

"Ok. Here's what I want you to do. In 10 minutes, I want you to call me back ok. It's 8:15 right now ok? So when the clock says 8:25 you need to call me back you understand?"

"Yes mommy. I understand."

"Good. I love you. Wake your sister up if I can track you down I'll come get you ok? Stay with your sister."

"Ok. I love you too mommy."

I ended the call and turned my attention back to Imani.

"Imani. Imani you gotta get up. Please." I whispered as I shook her gently.

Still, she didn't move. So I shook her harder.

"Imani. Get up. We need to go. Get up please."

Again she didn't move. So I laid her on her back and cocked my arm back.




"Owww! What was that for Agapi?" she said groggily as she sat up, holding her cheek.

I pulled her into my arms and after a minute she hugged back.

"Thank god you're awake. We need to go." I stated.

"What are you talking about? Where are we?"

"I don't know but those men...they hurt the nice people auntie took us to. Mommy told me to wake you up. We need to escape."

"Ok how are we gonna do that? The can't reach it."

"Yeah but you can. You can give me a boost and we can make it out of here."

"How do you know we aren't on the second floor?"

"The men didn't bring us up any steps. We have to be downstairs."

"Did you speak to momma are they ok?"

"I only spoke with mommy but I heard momma speaking. She's worried."

Imani sighed and scratched her neck.

"I'm scared mani."

She pulled me into her. I know but you have to be brave. You say you're is the time to show it. Ok?"

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