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Every broken thing is perfect in its own way.
Believe me, cause I know.

I've seen devastated kingdoms.
I've seen the deadly touch of winter.
But I've found beauty in those.
I've stared into abysmal darkness.
I've glared at the roaring demise of a star.
I've seen the eclipse of light.
And I've found it mesmerising.

The end of life, somehow, is beautiful.

The vastness of the ocean, which can drown us.
The waves that take away the ground beneath our feet.
The waterfall that can break us with its sheer force.
The tsunami which carries us away to shores unknown.
They can kill, but aren't they beautiful ?

The raging fire can burn us.
The depth of earth can crush us.
The whirlpool of wind makes us feel so desolated and lost.
But don't they also;
Light our houses,
Hold our burdens,
Are the reason we still breathe ?

Every tide flows and ebbs.
Every point in this circle of life has an up and a down.
People love the height and yet are afraid of the fall,
Why ?

Rise and fall is a part of life, so why fear it ?
Bliss and pain are the two sides of the same coin.
After the epitome is reached, there is always a downfall.
This is the circle of life, the rhythm of nature.
It is a part of us, just as we are a part of this world.

But, then again;

The truly extraordinary ones break this-
Ridiculous, monotonous, loop which traps us.
They rebel.
They refuse to be a part of the known and seek the unknown.
They are the ones who are not doomed,
The ones who don't fear destruction,
The ones who see the beauty in things that are perceived as ruined.
They are different,
And unafraid of it.

(Life should be lived, not spent.)

Way WardWhere stories live. Discover now