Chapter 4

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8 years ago

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8 years ago.

"You're roomed with inmate 287, I suggest you keep quiet, he's not the nicest smurf of the bunch." I ignored the guard looking over my surroundings. A grey stoned building of nothing but craze, filled with lunatics, heartbroken kids, and prison guards that could give less of a shit.

   I wasn't complaining though I got myself into this. The loud buzzer sounded off and I cringed at the obnoxious sound, the man shoving me forward I balled a fist, reflexively turning around about to land a good one in his nose. But he shut me down before I could, "Punch me you chump, and I'll have you pushing daisies in the middle of winter. Now be a good little bitch and keep walking, my best advice to you kid, keep it quiet, keep it low, keep to yourself, and you'll be out of here before ya know it."

     I didn't make a move. All I could see was the facial expressions of sadness, disappointment, and disgust marked on my parents faces. When I was cuffed up, and dragged out of the court room, "How much time you got in here anyway?" I finally snapped out of my mind, as I began walking, the prison guard's arm wrapped tightly around my thin one, pushing me along the empty hall.

       Watching the scenery of misery, I looked down, "A year." I mumbled lowly, 1 damn year I was sentenced to.

       Probably would've gotten more, had I tried to resist arrest, or leave the kid to die. Most likely would've did a few years here, and then be sent to the adult prison. Guess everything works out for a reason huh?

       My head was light, and my stomach grumbling of a hungry anger.  We're not eating shit, I reasoned with my gut, "What a fucked up way to waste your teen years, you could be out there having fun, living up the life but instead you wanted to be an idiot like most kids in here. It's sad how kids start to erase their precious lives at a young age. You've got all your life to live and here you are, in cuffs, spending a valuable year as a child locked up."

   We reached my cell, it was oddly large, the white lights shining on the fresh metal bars, a small figure laid flat out across a bottom bunk. Curly hair sprawled out against the perimeter of his pillow, it was 8 in the morning, guess he was still trying to catch some z's.

      Still not shutting his godforsaken mouth the prison guard continued, I rolled my eyes, as I remained staring at the place that I cursed myself to residing in. "All''s I've gots to say is," turning me around forcefully, he looked me over seductively, I raised my nose and my lips in repugnance. Unlocking my cuffs his eyes scanned me up, and down, and once again they did the same. "Was it worth it?"

      "Think about laying a hand on me you sick freaky little bitch, I will kill you, and then it will all be worth it. Mark that as a promise, not a threat. I always stick to my word."

    He gripped me up by the neck, shoving me hard into the cell. "You wanna try me boy?" Pulling out a switch blade from his pocket he opened it, pressing it into my cheek, he ran it down. "Ahh." Wincing from the stinging sensation I sucked it up. Rising a rough knee to his members below, he instantly stumbled back.

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