Chapter 7

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8 years ago

"Waylon, wake up

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"Waylon, wake up."

         "Leave me to die, you corruptive Asian God, I refuse to go to class today. Eli will be there, and he might just throw a knife to the back of my skull. At least if I stay in here, I can prolong my untimely demise."

           "What have I told you about bitching out, like a little puss Waylon, get the hell up!" Slamming the blankets from over his face, Waylon, angrily grabbed the flat pillow and chucked it my way.

        "Easy for you to say! You just go and start shit, my great ancestors aren't Jackie chan or Jet Li. I'm just, hell I don't know! Just stop yelling at me okay? My ears are sensitive, just like my skin, shit hurts."

        "Waylon, I told you I wasn't going to let anything happen to you, now do you believe me?" Hesitating, he sat up on the springy mattress, his curly blonde hair wrapped up in a pony tail as he flicked a loose strand behind his head. 

      "People say a lot of things, asking for trust,-" Looking up at me his eyes were set in misunderstanding, he didn't believe I'd keep him safe, accepting this I shook my head, grabbed my notebook, and began to leave. "Sometimes instead of showing all of the reasons I should, unintentionally everyone shows me why I shouldn't. You say trust me like it's going to make a difference, what makes you different Klein?"

           "I don't need to explain myself to you Waylon, you'll see for yourself soon enough. I got class, and don't even bother asking me for the answers. Because I'll give you the wrong ones."

      "You're a diabolical masterpiece Klein Masthers, but it's not like they'll be much of use to me, because I'll be dead before I turn in my homework."

      "Wouldn't hurt to get an A, at least you'd accomplish something before you drew your last breath."

        "And this is exactly why, my life shall never be entrusted in your hands, dick." 

     "Yeah whatever." Waving him a hand of dismissal I walked out of the cell, MeKe, and Marko standing along the cement walls in waiting. I tossed up a five, following along MeKe slapped his across mine. "He's not coming out." I reluctantly informed them, upset MeKe twisted his fat face, angrily clenching his jaw he stepped to me.

       "He isn't safe alone, even while he's in his cell, Clive that country bum looking dumbass. He can easily get in, do whatever to Waylon and make it look like a suicide. He's always lurking about, around here, that's how them spicks know shit. Get him out of there, or I will." Without much of understanding MeKe, entered my cell.

    "Waylon I'm only going to ask this once, and once only. Get up, grab your books, and let's go, so we can take you to class."

       I could here Waylon and his sarcastic little voice, sass MeKe,"I'm not going anywhere with you crazy Greeks, and the devil's Asian descendent out there. You all are the very reason I am living out my final days here on earth, in fear, confinement, shut up in hopes that this will all just pass over, and I'll be in Italy again! I hate you people!"

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