Chapter Thirty One

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There's a constant ringing sound. I thought it was Magnolia's warning bell until I realize it's my ears. The back of my head is throbbing and I can feel thick, hot liquid running down my cheek. I must've hit my head when I got blasted down the stairs. But I also think Harry yanked my arm right before the bomb went off.

He saved me but I couldn't save Peter.

I try to open my eyes. My sight is blurry and all I see is dancing blood orange figures.

I hear a scream. I recognize it as Melissa's. “PETER! PETER! PETER!

I then hear a voice I'd know anywhere. “NOOOO!” Nick bellows. I hear a thud and I realize he's climbing up.

I try to stand up. “No,” I try to say but my voice is too weak. Using the wall for support, I manage to get on my feet. I wobble. I turn my head and I see Nick's blurry shape climbing the second set of stairs. “No,” I say louder this time.

I stand in front of him. He tries to push past me but I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders. “LET ME GO!” he yells. “PETER!” He tries to pry my clinging fingers off with his shaking hands but I tighten my grip.

“He's gone, Nick,” I whisper loud enough for him to hear.


“He's gone.” I try to convince myself too.

He shakes his head vigorously. “No. He can't be. PETER!” He starts to shake.


He falls to his knees, taking me down with him. This causes my stomach to lurch and I gasp. “He can't be gone.” His voice breaks.

“Nick, I'm sorry.”

He starts to sob. “No. No. No.”

No. No. No. No. No. No.

I tried but I was too late.

Magnolia's voice booms throughout the mansion. “Proceed to the emergency room,” it kept repeating.

I blink and my vision clears a bit. I spot Melissa staring at the fire above, pallid. Silent tears stroll down her face. Her lips are framing her brother's name but no sound comes out. Or perhaps I can't hear it because my ear is still ringing.

“Proceed to the emergency room.”

I pull Nick up to his feet. He is still shaking. Once I stand up, the floor threatens to disappear beneath my feet. Strong hands grab my waist. I look up to see Harry's hard face.

His hands prevent me from succumbing to darkness.


I can hear Melissa's sobs and Marg's attempts to calm her down. Each once cuts through me like sharp glass. Nick is scowling at the dim floor. I remember this room from the ball. I never paid attention last time I was here. It's underground and large, with dim light. There's about ten mattresses, each with a first-aid kit next to them.

Magnolia and Rob are currently above ground, trying to put protective wards around the mansion.

Just like every weapon here, the bomb that was dropped had its own element. This one was a Fire bomb and explodes into indestructible fire. Every room on the first floor, along with Peter's tiny body, was devoured by the fire. A witch is needed to put it out.

Time seems to be non-existent in this room. We could've been here for minutes or hours. For days or for months. My head stopped throbbing and my cut cheek is cleaned. No one speaks. What will words do anyway? They won't bring back Peter. They won't fill up his space. They won't prevent Melissa or any of us from feeling woeful. Harry keeps stealing glances at me every few minutes, as though I can disappear any moment. I wish I could.

Another addition to the list of people who have died because of me. Another innocent soul.

I have to put an end to this, now, before anyone else gets hurt. “Trouble seems to revolve around you and, as a result, you end up hurting those who care about you” Rioleo had said.

I suddenly remember the large animals kept behind the mansion. Markaris, Nick had called them. They can take you wherever or to whoever you wish to go just by reading your mind. They are large dragon like creatures with scaly skin and strong wings.

Magnolia's voice booms throughout the room, making me jump. “It is now safe. You may leave the emergency room.”

We all scurry out, desperate to mourn Peter in our own ways.

I stop Melissa after everyone has exited. “I'm sorry,” I whisper. I feel Nick's gaze on me but I don't look at him.

She nods but doesn't say anything.

I'll make sure no else gets hurt because of me.

I know what to do now.

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