Chapter Four

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It turns out Harry isn't as daring as he appears to be. He took me to little coffee shop, that was too feminine, even for me.

Maybe he thinks that's my type of scenery, although I don't know what gave him that impression, since all I wear is jeans and oversized jackets. And I don't talk in an annoying high pitched voice.

Jeff was fuming when I came back to the house late, not that I cared. In fact that was my intention because Harry and I parted ways late afternoon and I walked around the small town alone.

I also didn't see Dr. Seuss, but I think she expected that, judging by the way I bolted out of her office yesterday.

Jeff isn't talking to me, which is a relief. The last thing I need right now is him telling me how disappointed he is.

“Where did you go today, Kathryn?” Jeff asks as I walk past him to my room.

I spoke too soon.

“It's not my fault that you came late.” I shrug, not looking at him.

“I was caught up at work.” He has trouble controlling his voice. “That doesn't answer my question.”

“I don't need to explain myself to you.” I face him, folding my arms across my chest.

“Dammit Kathryn!” He slams his fist on the coffee table, the unexpected gesture startles me more than the bang. It is then I notice the bottle half filled with brown liquor.

It only infuriates me more. “Don't talk to me like that!” I scream, dropping my hands and balling them into fists.

“You are my niece and I'll talk to you however I want.” He struggles to stand up but he eventually manages. “Why do you hate me, Kathryn?” He asks, stumbling towards me. “What did I ever do to you?” He stops a few feet away.

I clench my jaw, glaring at him. When I don't speak he continues. “Joshua would not approve of what you're doing.” I flinch at the mention of my father's name. “And Annabell. She'd be really disappointed. She really loved you, you know? Both of them. I do too, but you are making it so hard. I'm not saying I don't love you, Kathryn, of course I do. You're the only family I have left.” He takes steps towards me, the hand that isn't holding the bottle outstretched. I take a step back, pressing against the wall.

Am I afraid of him? No, I can't be. I shouldn't be. “It's your fault.” I spit.

“How?” His hand drops to his side.

“You brought Sophia-”

“Did I tell her to do what she did?”

“How would I know?” I say between clenched teeth.

He takes a step back, as if I've slapped him. “You think I had something to do with this.” He whispers.

That wasn't a question so I don't answer him.

“You do.” he says, louder this time.

Do I? I do think it's partially his fault, although I would never admit that out loud. But do I think he was part of Sophia's plan to kill my parents, but I refused to admit it to myself because under all that anger, he is still my uncle and he's the only thing I have left and vice versa?

“My own niece.” He runs his hand through his black hair. “Why would I kill my brother, Kathryn? Annabell was like a sister to me, for crying out loud!”

Should I be ashamed? I think so. Do I feel ashamed? No...

“I thought you were better than this.” He shakes his head.

I bite my lip; biting back all the things I want to say... biting back tears.

So instead I just whisper, “I'm going to bed now.” And I rush to my room, slamming the door behind me.

Am I coward for running away like that? I feel like one. Maybe I should've lied, I always do. But why was it so hard this time?

I lean against the door, slowly sliding to the floor.

He's right. My parents would be disappointed with me, and all I did when they were alive was try to impress them, make them proud of me.

They sure as hell aren't proud of me now, wherever they are.

I close my eyes and a tear escapes from my eye.

I'm weak and pathetic.

I'm alone, Jeff has given up on me.

I knew he would sooner or later, I just didn't expect it be this soon.

He hoped I would change, but now that hope has crumbled and faded into thin air, leaving me stranded and alone.


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