Chapter 6:missing

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Webby, Huey, and Dewey were running around Duckburg looking for the youngest nephew. They were all worried out of their minds. They've been searching for several hours, asking around.

But Louie was nowhere to be seen.

It was around 8:46 am when they started searching outside. The first place they went to was the diner because that's where Louie said he'd be on his note. It was Huey's idea.

"Let's check the diner," he said as they left the manor and stepped onto the sidewalk. "Louie's probably there."

"You think he's still at the diner?" Dewey asked, frowning. "Really?!"

"Well do you have any better ideas?!" Huey replied, irritated. The stress was making him angrier than usual.

"I-I dunno..!" Dewey said, getting slightly frustrated too. "I just think that he wouldn't be at there for that long!"

"We should still check it!" Huey argued, looking agitated.

Webby who had silently been looking down at the phone that Scrooge had lent her, groaned in frustration. She was also stressed. Her friend was missing and his brothers were busy arguing!

"Ugh, you two, enough!" she yelled, just loud enough to startle the two boys. "We don't have time for this!"

Webby tried calling Louie's number again and held it up to her ear as it rang. "We're going to the diner. No questions. Let's go."

Usually, Huey might've looked somewhat smug about being right, but he and Dewey just nodded and followed Webby as she started making her way to their destination.

As Webby sped walked, leading the way, Louie's voice talked through the phone, making Webby feel hopeful for a split second.

"Hey, this is Louie, the super rich nephew of Scrooge McDuck. I'm not here right now, but leave a message after the beep, 'kay?"


Webby sighed and hung up. Voicemail. Again.

Before she knew it, they had already reached the diner, the place that Louie said he would be. Immediately, Dewey went in first. He really hoped Louie was here. So did Huey and Webby.

As soon as they entered, Dewey walked right up to the counter, looking determined and worried at the same time.

"Hi, what would you li-" the employee at the counter started to greet before getting interrupted by the blue triplet.

"Have you seen Louie?" he asked immediately, looking the employee dead in the eyes. The employee blinked, confused.


"Louie Duck? One of Scrooge McDuck's nephews? Looks like me and him?" Dewey asked, exasperated, point to Huey and himself. "Except he's wearing a green hoodie?"

Huey didn't bother correcting his grammar when it came to "me and him". He just didn't like the way the employee looked confused. It implied that they haven't seen Louie.

"N-No, I'm sorry. I didn't see anyone like that. And I've had the shift for the whole day," the employee apologized.

Webby couldn't stop the worry that came over her when they said that. Never mind the fact that the employee was working all day. Louie wasn't here..! That means he never got here..! That means something must've happened to him on his way over..!

Huey saw her expression and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. He was just as worried as she was.

"Come on, let's check other places," he suggested, trying to stay calm. He and Webby tried to head to the exit, but he noticed that Dewey hadn't moved.

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