Chapter 9:suspicion and manipilation

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"Don't sound so disappointed."

Webby didn't have time to process what Louie said before he winked at her and left. She stared as he left the room, slightly taken aback. Everyone else in the room was talking to each other, but Webby couldn't focus on anyone at the moment. She just stared blankly ahead.

What? What was that? What just happened?

Webby wasn't sure why, but something was definitely off with Louie in that one moment. She was really observant, so she could tell. First of all, his attitude just...changed really fast. Like, before he was feeling kind of down and upset because of the incident- which is perfectly understandable. However, his demeanor completely changed when he...he what? Flirted?

Webby doesn't actually know enough about that kind of stuff to tell if that was flirting, but it seemed like that's what it was. At least, when she's seen other people flirt it looked like that. And that was another thing that caught her off guard. It's not that it was uncharacteristic for Louie to do that. It was just uncharacteristic for him to do that to Webby.

It was just weird.

And then...there was just a look in his eye that was different. It was actually the first time Louie looked her in the eye ever since the Magica incident. It was very brief and very quick, but she's sure that she saw something different about Louie's eyes- but she wasn't sure what. All she knew is...

It wasn't normal...

...Maybe she's reading too much into it. Maybe she was just imagining things. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was different about Louie.

"Webby, you good?" Dewey's confused voice brought Webby back to reality. He waved his hand in front of her face, concerned.

"U-Uh..." Webby stuttered, her mind refocusing on the present. She looked at Dewey, silently trying to decide whether or not she should explain it to him.

How would she explain it to him?

"Um...I'm fine- it's fine," Webby lied, poorly, shaking her head. She wasn't going to say that she was suspicious about Louie yet, especially since she had little to no reason to be. Besides, Webby tended to make conspiracies out of little things, so...

She needed to make sure she wasn't reading too much into it.

Dewey was looking at Webby as if he didn't believe her. He raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? You're acting funny."

"Wh-? Me? Acting funny? No..." Webby stuttered, nervously smiling as if she were guilty of something. "I-I'm good, I promise."

"Riiight," Dewey said slowly, still not quite buying it. He then changed the subject, clearly seeing that Webby was uncomfortable. "So, uh, where'd Louie go? You were talking to him, right?"

"Uh...he said he was tired and went to his room, I think..?" Webby answered, shrugging. She still wasn't sure if she had said anything to upset him to make him leave...

She then saw Huey approach them, joining their conversation. "Yeah, I just heard Uncle Donald say that he was going to check on Louie. I hope he's okay...that whole incident must have been terrible for him."

"Yeah...but did you see the look on Magica's face when we defeated her shadow monsters?!" Dewey said, excitedly with a proud grin. "She didn't even see us coming!"

"What? No- she DID see us coming," Huey corrected. "She sent a hostage letter and everything, how would she have not expected us?"

"Whatever, you know what I mean..!"

"Clearly, I don't."

Webby tuned out Huey and Dewey's conversation. She doesn't think they really understand how Louie felt about the whole thing. From what he told her, Louie was still upset at how long it took for them to even find him. He seemed to be under the misconception that they didn't even care.

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