Chapter 8:I'm not him,get into the plan

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Louie silently looked across the room at Webby. She was currently sitting on a chair, getting her wounds from the fight treated by her grandmother. He watched as she winced in pain from the disinfectant being sprayed on her wound. Magica had certainly put up a fight – which at least made it all the more convincing. No one suspected anything.

Louie looked around the room. He saw Donald sitting down, all bandaged up as well. He was currently talking to Scrooge about something, but Louie couldn't hear what. Huey was currently ranting about something to him, so Louie couldn't even try to hear what Scrooge and Donald were saying.

Honestly, the ranting had grown annoying very quickly, but he couldn't snap at Huey or else he'd blow his cover, so he just sat there, listening.

"We were worried sick about you..! Thank goodness you're safe now, but I can't believe you actually got kidnapped-!" The red triplet fussed. It took Louie a lot of effort not to roll his eyes.

"I'm sorry...going out by myself so early in the morning without asking first was a bad idea, I get it..." he replied, looking down. He made sure to put on a pitiful and defeated face.

"It's alright, it's not your fault," Huey said, putting his hands on Louie's shoulders in a comforting manner. His rant had completely stopped, probably because he didn't want Louie to feel worse.

"So..." Dewey had spoken up. Louie almost forgot he was there. "...What happened?"


"What happened after you left the mansion this morning?" the blue triplet had clarified. Ah. He wanted to know how Louie got kidnapped in the first place - as if he cared.

"Well...I was on my way to the diner..." Louie explained, looking down. He kept his tone quiet with a tinge of vulnerability. "And then all of a sudden, someone dragged me down an alley and knocked me unconscious...then I woke up tied up in the warehouse."

"And did Magica hurt you at all?" Huey asked, worriedly. Louie was getting really tired of his fussing. He couldn't help but roll his eyes, frowning.

"No, I told you earlier."

"Good, good. Thank goodness we got there before it was too late," Huey said, relieved. Louie didn't know what to say to that, really.

They WERE too late.

He decided it was best if he didn't reply. Plus, Louie had already gotten bored of this conversation. It wasn't long before his attention slipped away from Huey and Dewey. Instead, it was directed towards Webby, who seemed to be staring at him for some reason...

He saw her hop up from her chair and start approaching him. Judging by the look on her face, she probably wanted to talk alone.

About what, he didn't know.

"Guys, could you give us a minute..?" Louie asked the other two triplets. Huey and Dewey looked at each other, confused, but agreed without question. They left as soon as Webby arrived.

Louie didn't say anything as he sat down on the floor, silently gesturing for her to sit down next to him. She obliged, taking a seat next to him, her hands in her lap. She seemed to want to say something, but instead, they sat in silence before she finally spoke up.

"...Are you okay...?" she asked, looking at him, apprehensively.

"Yup..." Louie answered, quietly. It was more or less a lie because honestly, he felt emotionally numb. To a degree, at least.

He looked down at the floor, unable to look her in the eye. He saw her play with the ends of her hair in his peripheral vision. It seemed to be something she did when she got awkward and fidgety.

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