Chapter 10:brother vs brother

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(A/N hey guys missed me?, sorry I was out for long time I was having some family stuff going on even the corona virus and stuck in our houses and school butnkw it's almost summer and I have enough time to do this and I do continue and I know all of you wanted me to continue this so here it is! Hope you enjoy, and about the writing is little bit off sorry about it's becaus it's been long timeXD,Oh yeah trigger warning)

while louie was in his room even so he is still taking over his body by magica even though cant don't know if he cannot actually get into his nerve if he tried to get easy for magica's planned to be perfected even so or else can be bad happened he sighed calmly look everywhere his room is so quite even his brother where downstairs he sigh then went downstairs try to joined them but don't wanted to interrupted her planned

"hey louie you wanna come?"the red triplet asks him louie seem to be quite even cannot talk of course his now silent but dewey and huey look each other for minute

"Lou is everything ok?"dewey asks him while he ent up to him don't know if he cannot review his inner self can be complicated for him since he's taking over

"yeah why I wouldn't be?"he said calmly voice dewey looks at huey for second he looks at louie don't know if this was trick or something bad happened to him

"is he ok?"

"I don't know huey."

the two triplet whispering each tier even so louie looks at them both louie seem to be calmed,quite,and little bit suspense even what are they talking about if they whispering, what are they even talking about?


They both gasp eyes at louie interruptions but louie eyes then in suspense

"hey louie why are you acting strange lately?"Huey asks even for sure if louie wanted to know why but they didn't know it wasn't part of his plan to get that done that magic's wanted to

"Why am I acting so strange? I don't know. Why you wanted to know?"Louie asks crossing his arms looking so furious and serious about this

"I was just asking louie please answer the question!"Huey shouted wanted why he been so off lately even if went asks louie that food yesterday

"huey is none of your business!"louie glare at his two brothers but dewey is little bit focus about Louie's tone could be little bit more annoyed

"louie where your brothers we need to know!!"Dewey steps in as why he wanted to know why he is acting like this but for sure he wanted ask some questions why he went off last few weeks ago

"NO YOUR NOT EVEN I HEARD EVERYTHING WHAT YOU SAID TO ME WHEN I LEFT!!!!!!"louie screamed as dewey and huey froze for minute even what he meant didn't realized if Magic's was lying to louie

"what do you mean?"Huey asks wondering why he meant about things they said to him

"you know what I mean hubert!, don't pleat dumb with me!"louie growls as he eyes glows red as huey and dewey wide eyes sees glowing eyes

Dewey pulled huey out and whispered about Louie's eyes are red didn't even realized about this tired time

'huey, did you see his eyes?'dewey whispers to huey as he eyes at louie are glowing

'Hole cow!, your right, but why?'huey whispers yelled back even if this is was they think it is they been knowing it all the long

'Maybe is Magicia de spell!'dewey claimed as huey wide eyes and gasp but taps chin

'That's crazy, how or why she ever do this?'huey asks and realized to think that she is planning this for long time not for long for months

'Unless, if it was her so that means-

'Controlling him.'Dewfurd finished as huey worries eyes at dewey then eyes at louie even they figure out soon

"IMMA GO TELL CROOGE!!"huey turns and runs up until louie watches huey rans as he smirks

"Where you think your going!"louie loft huey up as he floating gesture to Louie's face as he evilly smirks

"Put me down louie!!"huey struggling try to get out of his power grasp as louie chuckles evilly eyes huey

"you not gana tell Uncle Scrooge or this will!"louie lift huey and then throw him into the walls cause it to breaks hole huey grunts in pain

"HUEY!!!"dewey runs after him but louie got him too as he lift him up and eyes at louie with wide eyes then louie smirks even though they cannot defund the plan

"l-louie please! Don't!"louie growls as he throws him into where he throws huey dewey groans sees huey bruises a little bit

"h-huey?"dewey moves huey as he groan then sat up held his head eyes little bit blurry

"What happened?"huey asks as dewey held huey then eyes at louie but even they didn't know they hurt them both as they hurt louie' pain will

"LOUIE?!, why you do this?!"dewey growls as louie smirks eyes at hem both as huey eyes at louie still little bit evil but still magica is controlling him

"why?,WHY?!?!"louie shouted as huey wide eyes dewey gulps in fear abit some how louie got more angry as usual

"BECASUE I CAN IF I WANTED TO DEWEY!!"louie glares at him as dewey gets up then eyes at louie even so it's hard to understand if weren't for him

"Louie please stop this!! I miss the old louie back!!"dewey cried as huey looks down a bit sees a little bit cut on his leg as he winces in pain

"hmm, yeah right if you care the old louie then why?!"louie growls as dewey sigh huey glance at his younger triplet

"because I miss him!, the Louie I know never hurt his brothers like this!"Dewey growls as huey still held his leg eyes at them both wondering what is going on

"yeah right until next time I will defeated you again!"louie eyes glows red again then magica finds louie as even she find the brothers of louie

"let's go we need a new plan."magica said as dewey eyes at her growls huey looks down frown but winces in pain about the cut then she and louie went off

"YOU GET BACK HERE!!"dewey growls as he watches them both flies off they didn't know louie and magica are working together since they both last saw him huey grunts in pain as dewey gasp eyes at huey walks towards him but sees all the damage of the wall even his leg is little bit bruised up

"I miss louie."huey says weakly as dewey sigh held huey by his head as he eyes at the broken whole in the wall looks down and frown

"Me too huey, me too."dewey sigh looks down hueyr shifted up a bit then grunts

"w-we need to warn the others."huey says as dewey frowned he sigh didn't know what to do after get his little bro back what ever it takes have to save him before it's too late

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