Chapter 3:the worst sibling

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It was night time. Louie, Dewey, and Webby had gotten back to the mansion a few hours ago. Louie had put off talking to Uncle Donald for a few hours, but when Webby reminded him for the third time, he realized that he couldn't procrastinate anymore.

Louie walked to the mansion's backyard, where he saw the ruined houseboat floating in Scrooge's giant pool. It was dark outside, but he saw the lights on in the boat.

Louie waddled over to the boat and walked across the plank that led to the boat's deck. He knocked on the front door.

"Uncle Donald! Are you in there?"'

It took several knocks before the door opened, revealing Donald Duck.


"Hey, Uncle Donald. Can I talk to you about something?" Louie asked, hesitantly. He wasn't used to this. Why did he listen to Webby?

"Of course..!" Donald said, standing aside to let him in. Louie could hear the surprise in his voice. Probably because Louie never went to him to talk about personal things.

Louie went to the boat's living room and sat down on the couch, followed by Donald. There was a silence before Donald decided to speak up.

"So...what did you want to talk about?" Donald asked. When he was spending time with Huey earlier, the red triplet had mentioned that Louie was feeling upset. Maybe Donald could fix this?

"U-um...I...I just..." Louie stuttered. Oh was he going to start this?

Louie took a deep breath and sighed. "I...was just thinking...sometimes I feel like a mess. Sometimes I feel like a screw-up, you know? I...feel like the worst triplet and-"

"WHO MADE YOU THINK THAT?!" Donald quacked angrily, ready to fight whoever hurt his nephew. Louie jumped slightly.

"I-I did?"

Donald fell silent, so Louie decided to keep going.

"And I tried to ignore it. I really did, keeps bothering me. I usually wouldn't want to talk about it, but Webby told me to tell someone and, I don't know, I just felt like telling you..." he rambled. God, this was going downhill. He didn't know how to say what he wanted to, but that's the best he could muster.

"Louie..." Donald said quietly. He sighed. "I...know how you feel. I know what it's like to feel like a mess and I know what it's like to feel like the worst sibling..."

Louie looked at his uncle. He didn't expect that kind of response. "Did...Mom make you feel like you were the worst twin..?"

"Well, not exactly. She never tried to make me feel like that. Your mother was a great person. She was fun, outgoing, adventurous, smart..." Donald replied. It hurt...talking about Della again. But Louie needed to hear this. "But that's why I felt the way I did. I kept comparing myself to her."

"Were you jealous..?"

Donald paused a bit before continuing. "I...was a little jealous, yeah. That's just how I am. Your mother was nearly perfect, how could I not be?"

Donald chuckled a bit before he kept going. "But I never felt bitter or angry towards her. And she never tried to make me feel bad at all. She was just...being her."

Louie looked down as he thought about this. It was scary how Donald was able to pinpoint exactly how Louie felt.

"Do you feel jealous of your brothers?"

Louie shrugged, frowning. "...Sometimes. Huey's really smart and Dewey's really brave. And I'm just..."

"Do you feel bitter towards them?"

"No. Not at all."

"Do you think that they're deliberately trying to make you feel bad?"

"N-no! They'd never..!"

Donald nodded. "There you go. That was me."

Louie fell silent. He didn't realize that his uncle also felt like this. Although, he should've realized a while ago...

" got over those thoughts, right?" Louie asked hopefully. Donald didn't say anything for a few seconds, making Louie feel anxious. Did he not?

"I did. I got over those thoughts when she..." Donald said before stopping. "When I started to take care of you boys."

Louie felt a surge of hope rise within him.

"But...sometimes, these thoughts come back."

The hope dimmed down as quickly as it had come.


"Well, yes. You can't expect me to just stop thinking this way about myself. I still think I'm a mess," Donald replied. Louie was starting to think he wasn't very good at cheering people up. "But I don't let that stop me from living my life. Nobody's perfect. You shouldn't be comparing yourself to your brothers or anyone else."

"Heh, that's what Webby was saying," Louie said, chuckling. It was...sort of refreshing. To hear that someone knows how he feels.

Maybe they were both right. He wasn't one was. Maybe he needed to do what Uncle Donald did. Just accept who he was and then actually work to improve his life. He got the first part down. Now he just needs to do the second.

"Thanks, Uncle Donald," he thanked, smiling softly. Donald looked glad that he was able to give advice. Louie always felt...slightly more distant from his uncle than he should've been.

But now, it's different.

Louie wrapped his arms around Donald, bringing him into a hug. Donald was slightly surprised but returned the hug. Louie didn't let go for a few minutes. He needed a while to think about all of this. He knew that his friends and family loved him. He just didn't understand...why.

"Uncle Donald? Why are you and the others so nice to me?" he asked, pulling away.

"What do you mean?"

"I get why you have to tolerate me. But why are you guys being nice to me?"

"Why wouldn't we be nice to you?!" Donald exclaimed, not believing what he was hearing.

"Because sometimes I don't deserve it!" Louie said loudly as if he were stating a fact. Donald frowned and then took a deep breath.

"Louie," he sighed. "Okay, look. From now on, I need you to try to stop thinking badly of yourself. I need you to try and move on from these thoughts. Can you do that?"

Louie looked down before nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, I'll try."

Donald ruffled Louie's hair approvingly. The green triplet laughed as he pushed his uncle's hand away.

"Well, it's getting late. You should be heading to bed, Louie," Donald said, standing from the couch.


Louie stood up and went to leave the boat. As he reached the door, he paused.

"Thanks, Uncle Donald," he said before leaving. He just needed to say it one more time.

Donald smiled, but as soon as Louie left, his smile was replaced with a concerned frown. Louie's been feeling like this all this time and he didn't even know. How much were the boys keeping from him?

He just hopes that Louie's okay in the end...

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