Chapter 7:laier,lair!

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There they were. Scrooge, Donald, and the kids were standing outside the abandoned warehouse which apparently held the missing green triplet. Not only him, but it was where Magica De Spell was, waiting for them.

All of the ducks were feeling different emotions as they stood at the door. Scrooge and Dewey felt confident. Donald felt enraged. Huey and Webby were determined, but cautious. Even so, they all had the same goal.

Save Louie.

"Alright, listen up, everyone," Scrooge said, a determined look on his face. "Donald, Webbigail and I will take care of Magica. Huey and Dewey will help Louie. Got it?"

The other four ducks nodded, looking just as determined. Scrooge looked at the warehouse doors and reached into his coat. He felt around until he found his dime. There was no way Magica was getting what she wanted. She thinks that she can use his family to get his number one dime. She thought wrong.

"Let's go."


Scrooge and the others forced the door open and burst in, all holding fighting stances, ready to unleash everything they had on Magica.


However, they did not see her. Nor did they see Louie. Where were they? Perhaps the two were deeper into the warehouse..?

"Magica!" Scrooge called out in the darkness, looking around for any sign of the witch. "We're here for Louie. Take us on, ye coward!"

Each duck strained their ears trying to listen for a response. However, instead of the sound of Magica replying, they heard something completely different.

"UNCLE SCROOGE..!" they heard a terrified voice cry out for help, echoing throughout the empty warehouse. Instantly, all five ducks paused. That cry for help. That was..!

"...Louie..!" Donald exclaimed, breaking the silence. He immediately took off deeper into the warehouse, following the sound of his nephew's scared voice. Louie was scared..! He was terrified..! Donald needed to get to him now.

"Let's go," Scrooge told the kids, following Donald. Huey, Dewey, and Webby did not protest and immediately followed their uncles, feeling anxious but determined at the same time.

Donald ran as fast as he could, desperate to reach his nephew. He ran and ran and kept running until...he saw it.

Scrooge and the kids had just caught up to Donald when they saw it too.

They saw Louie. A single spotlight shined down on him as they saw him tied up, bound to a chair. His wrists, legs, and torso were tied to the chair which prevented him from moving. And to top it all off, he was blindfolded.

"Louie...!" Webby cried out, the sight shocking her.

"W-Webby?!" he responded, sounding desperate. They saw him try to struggle out of the chair. "I-Is that you?!"

"Don't worry, we're getting you out of here..!" Dewey assured him, running up to his brother. The blue triplet tugged at the ropes, hoping to loosen the bonds somehow.

...He really didn't know what he was doing, though.

"That's not how you do it," Huey sighed, making Dewey move over. He carefully started untying the knots as Dewey tried to help.

"Huey..? Dewey..?" Louie said, shakily, hearing his brothers' voices. "Get me out of here..! Where have you guys been-?"

"Where have we been?! Where have you been!?" Dewey retorted, taking off Louie's blindfold. He chucked the blindfold to the side and immediately tried freeing Louie's wrists.

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