be mine? [ leo x depressed! reader]

460 3 13

y/n POV

I was walking through the alleyway when some gangsters came and start flirting badly to me.

" Hello beautiful lady, how are you feeling today? "

Well great, I am cornered by 4 men. Where am I again, I look at my watch and the street sign. Shit, it's Chinatown, Purple Dragons. I slowly step back near a wall, and flip up my pepper spray and spray all 4 of their eyes and started running for my life. Typical vans shoes with ripped jeans and a white tank top pairing with a black jacket. Of Course, I used the shortcut, that is when I see four... Mutant Turtles high-three each other. The four just turn, I pointed my pepper spray and took out a taser.

" I swear why after the Purple dragons it has to be another 4 strong mutants?"

Then running footsteps stopped I turned behind to see, Purple Dragons again.

" Oh lady, you were with them? " the leader I suppose, walks my direction as a metal bar slips through his sleeve to his hand, holding it and swing it.

" you go through me before hurting others. "

He scowled and I started ambushing by kicking his neck, crack his elbow and tasered his back, unconsciously.  I pushed my hair back, and stare at the remaining.

" leave or I'll let this 4 attack your weak asses. "

They grabbed the leader and ran as if they were hunted alive, i thought and chuckled to myself. The orange masked-turtle laughed and complimented,

" girl~ you have sick self-defense skills huh."

" no man, I do learn martial arts from my late father since young. These are just helpful weapons for anything that happens. I have more at home haha"

The orange turtle then punches my shoulder softly and put his arm around my shoulder,

"let us make a deal, my brothers are not daring- How about you be our friend and we don't spread anything about each other? We can introduce you to Master Splinter right now-"

" Mikey, you sure? Sensei would be more furious to know another human like Casey Jones, April O'Neil, and Vern Venderwick is part of us too, " said the purple masked one.

" Did you say, Casey Jones? AND April O'Neil? "

They nodded and I was surprised, my two good pals. Casey Jones, met him when I was doing my English project, April O'Neil, she was from my previous class. So this is the heros that saved the city in the shadows huh? Honestly the blue turtle is just making me shy slightly when we made eye contact.

" What do you know about them? " the blue asks,

" I-I umm Casey I met him during my english, and April is my classmate. " I scratch my neck and look at my watch.

" You know what dude, I'll pass you my number with my card, when you introduced my name to your sensei and April all are there, Call me I'll drop by. " I passed the card to the orange turtle and waved goodbye.

-- weeks later --

I had been with the turtles since that funny encounter with purple dragons around. I was heading to the lair when the turtles with Casey and April laughed together, smiling and eating pizza. My pressed on my shirt while tears roll down my cheeks. As I thought ' am I feeling not valuable? Or is it I don't fit in? ' , Master Splinter taps my shoulder.

" My child,  what's wrong? Why aren't you going in? "

I slide down and cover my face on my knees. I continued crying as Master Splinter just continue to comfort me.

" even though I always show up, I always hide the pain I suffered. if I tell them, they'll get worried and they might think what I did during that encounter, was just for show. "

I sniffled as Master Splinter gave me a hug, he pats my head and smiles.

" come to me, my child, hold my hand. "

I wiped my tears and walked in with Master splinter. I looked down as April exclaimed,

" Welcome back Master Splinter and (y/n)- "

" U-Um sweetcakes you alright there? " mikey asks but Master Splinter answers for me.

" she will be meditating with me and training for the time being. My sons, please be ready for training in 10 minutes, April Casey if you would like to watch you may. "

He pats my shoulder as we walked and meditated. As we started the training with basic high kicks and using the weapons, the turtles and casey with april sat down to watch me. I then spar with Master Splinter.

He comes to ambush and I quickly dodged, flipped and grab a ninja star to throw but missed. Darn, it ugh. He took the Bo staff and I took the war fan only as I have a pair of butterfly knives and sais on me. He starts swinging swiftly he was close to hitting me when my war fan stopped it and I closed the fan and threw his staff away. I swiftly switched to sais pointing to his head and abdomen as I looked at him sternly.

"Yame! You did a good job (y/n), my child.  " I smiled as he tapped on my head and April hugs me after.

" you did so well!! Who did you learn from? "

I gulped and looked down slightly, and I rubbed my neck.

" h-her name is.. Karai. But it was in the past- "

Then Raph pounds me to the wall with one hand, one grabbing my tank top and the other slammed beside my face on the wall.

" are you a fucking spy all this time '(y/n nickname) "

He slams harder and I felt my heart shatter as each of the turtles looks in shock. I pushed him away and screamed at the top of my lungs.


I ruffled my hair and just drop on my knees, let the overflowing pain in my tears roll down from my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore, I stormed out and took out the taser from my bag.

" (y/n) !! "Mikey, April shouted as the rest rushed out. I placed the taser near my neck, more tears filled my eyes. I have been keeping it all in my rowdy, happy self. I was bullied back then, now I throw insults and the popular girls will come at me. April never sees, but she did once and got so furious with me. Since I met the turtles, especially Leo, I changed. They made me stronger, lively. Now I can not carry the burden of a bad friend to them if I die at this spot.

" (y/n). (y/n) look in my eyes. " Leonardo whispers and our eyes meet, I place it closer but he pulls me to an embrace.

"(Y/n), I am sorry on behalf of everyone for not understanding the pain you have suffered. The bullying, keeping that cute smile of yours, "

He pushes my hair to the back of my ears, and holds one side of my face, slightly bringing me closer to him.

"(Y/n), I may talk about Karai a lot too, but honestly, I am MADLY in love with you. " he smiled and our noses touch and he pulls me in for a kiss.

The brothers cheered and Casey whistles, master splinter leaves to meditate but smiled while blessing us. April just giggles. We part for air and he rubs my head.

" Don't EVER do that again. I do not want to lose a precious girl. And you feel lonely or pain, please call me over or talk to me okay? " he tilts his head and has the cutest smile, as his blue eyes shine and I fell to his eyes. I hugged him and we decided to sleep together.

-- end --

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