t h i r t y - o n e

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When I came back to school there was no welcome party. There was no banners saying 'Welcome back!" I was glad. It's one thing to be a scholarship kid among the richest heirs and heiresses in America, but it's another thing to be an orphan in a rich school. February fourteenth started off like any other day for me. But of course the moment I opened my locker the cliched love letters in a locker greeted me. Sighing I picked up all the letters that had fallen along with the ones still inside and stuffed them in my bag, mentally reminding myself to read them all. 

Our school council had decided to exploit, just like everyone else, this worldwide festivity by allowing students to buy red roses for their lovers or love interests. I was sitting in history, doing my work like everyone else in my class, when there was a knock on the door. One of the members of the school council was holding bunch of roses in his hand. "Hi, sorry to interrupt but I have roses to hand out." He said sheepishly to the teacher. 

"Go ahead." She smiled.

"Well someone is getting laid tonight." Felicity muttered in my ear. We snickered. 

"A rose for Rori Greensmith?" The boy announced. Felicity gave me a massive grin and a wink. I just rolled my eye. 

"Yeah she's here." Felicity called out when I didn't bother replying.

"Why would you do that?" I muttered angrily. 

"Because Miss Greensmith has a secret admirer." She giggled. I huffed before accepting the rose from the boy. Jut below the flower was a message, attached to the stem. 

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

You're so pretty,

I'm in love with you. 

If that wasn't clichéd, I don't know what is. I sighed and placed the flower on my desk without another thought. I had received so many roses with similar messages throughout the lesson, that I cringed each time the door opened. I could feel everyone staring at me when I scurried out the door, dumping all the flowers in the trash can. I opened my bag and dumped all the letters in the trash too. I was sick of Valentines day, and the day had just begun. 

When I sat down at our table for lunch I was tired. "You alright there?" Felicity smirked. 

"I'm just tired of all the girlfriend proposals and love letters and stupid flowers." I cried, letting all my frustrations out. 

"You should be happy you've got so many admirers." Jess said, jealousy flooding her voice.

"Hasn't Lucas said anything yet?" I asked.

"Lucas? What does this have to do with Lucas?" She asked, innocently.

"Oh come on Jess. It's so obvious you guys are into each other. I thought you guys would be dating already." Felicity said.

"I don't like him." She protested. I just rolled my eyes at her denial. I glanced over to Lucas, who was standing in the line staring at Jess. I groaned as I got up. I strode over to Lucas and punched him in the arm. 

"Ow, what was that for?" He groaned, rubbing the sore spot.

"That was for not asking Jess out already." 

"I don't like Jess." I punched him again. "What was that for?" he frowned.

"THAT was for denying it. This is for not going over there and asking her to be your girlfriend." I added as I punched him again.

"Would you stop?" He glared at me. 

"Then go over there and make Jess yours before someone else does. I hear she's received loads of roses." I glanced over to the table and saw that Jess was holding the roses I had received just before lunch. I hadn't had time to throw them away so I just left them on our table. "I think Jefferson is going to ask her out." I noticed Jefferson walking over to Jess and Felicity, his eyes fixed on Jess.

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