Chapter 13: Good Morning!

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[I FINALLY updated. I'm not gonna bother to go over 900 words since it's 1 am, but, enjoy this short chapter before I get back into writing!!!]

The green boy's eyes widened as he shot up from where he was laying, pulling the soft blanket aside before he could get out of bed. Recalling yesterday's events, he quickly turned his head and blushed. He saw Goggles resting peacefully with a gentle snore. That dork, that adorable little dork, was still asleep. Hovering slightly over him, Rider gave him a small kiss on his forehead. Then he grabbed his phone from the nightstand to check for anything important going on.
You have (23) new messages!
He grumbled and plopped back down into bed. Rider had been added to a group chat with Emperor, Aloha, and the blue team. They were arguing over how they should celebrate blue team's victory of the Square King Cup. Emperor had proposed the idea that they go to the Wahoo World theme park, since he had the money to do that sort of thing. On the other hand, Aloha wanted to host a party at pink team's house.
Headphones: Hm, they both sound quite fun, I don't know...
Emperor: Mine shall be the best of the best! You cannot deny such an offer.
Aloha: Face it, pretty boy — pink team knows how to party.
Glasses: Guys. We can figure this out.
Bobble: A̸̩͂À̵̩͙Ã̶̼̠̕Ȃ̶͕̙̌͜A̵̡͠Ȧ̴̡̤̬̆͒Ẫ̴̤̼̞Ȃ̴͎̓ͅA̸̫̲͒̏A̵̟͛͑
Rider: Host them both at different dates. It's not that hard...
Aloha: Hey Rider! Was yesterday fun~?
Rider: ...
Emperor: It is decided, then. Tomorrow we shall meet outside of Wahoo World at 10 AM.
Rider turned his phone off, before questioningly mumbling to himself, "How the hell does he know?" Out of the corner of his eye he saw Goggles roll towards him, who was starting to wake up. He wrapped an arm around Rider and nuzzled up against him. The yellow-green inkling tried to nudge him away with his elbow, but the plan backfired, and Goggles just held on tighter.
"Hmm... Good morning!" he mumbled with a happy tone. His skin was warm against Rider's back, which reminded him that his body was still almost fully exposed under the covers. The two had fallen asleep right after their little session last night, and as Goggles shifted his legs to go stand up, he felt a familiar liquid slowly leaking from his hole. He tugged at Rider's arm and said, "Rider, look! I'm a cream filled donut!"
"What the hell, Goggles," the other replied, before finally getting out of bed. It was early in the morning, but the two had gotten a good amount of sleep. Rider went over to his closet to grab a new pair of undies and shorts before throwing a spare at Goggles. "I don't think you brought any extra clothes over, so you'll have to wear mine..."
"That's fine!" the blue inkling replied with a giggle. He began to get dressed, sliding on one of Rider's red shirts and put on his mountain jacket over it. The clothes were a little big on him, but the fact that they were Rider's made it much more special. Rider had to admit, Goggles did look pretty cute in his clothes. As they went through the usual morning routine, Rider attempted to strike up a conversation.
"Did you hear the news?"
"Aloha and Emperor both want to host a celebration party for your win at the square," he informed. "They're having a pointless argument over who gets to host it. I guess the competition between those S+ ranks never stops."
"Aren't you S+ Rider?"
"Yeah... But I'm not as much of an idiot as those two. I know to not get too carried away."
Rider pulled his leather jacket out of his closet before putting it on, smoothing it out with his hands. It was his signature look at this point, so he didn't bother to look for anything special to wear. It was likely he'd end up turf battling again anyways, knowing blue team. Not only did he already have Goggles with him, but they had planned to meet up at the square again today. And who know... maybe they'd come across someone else?
Goggles felt a rumble deep within his stomach. "Riiiiideeeer... I'm huuuungryyyyy..." he groaned, rubbing his stomach in a circular motion. The blue inkling walked over to the kitchen table, spotting a carton of orange juice. Though he was still a bit hazy, he happily sat down, and poured himself a glass. He was planning to get up look for something to eat, but was interrupted by a yellow-green squid in his path.
"I made omelettes."
Goggles' eyes instantly lit up, exclaiming "REALLY? Those are my favorite!" He licked his lips impatiently, the hunger was really getting to him.
"Anything for you, Gogs." Rider set down the plate in front of him, watching the blue inkling tear into it with his utensils. Goggles was truly a kid at heart, which Rider found pretty wholesome. Gently, he placed a kiss on the other's soft tentacles, as a small token of appreciation, before getting himself his own plate. Even through the simplest of things, the green inkling felt happy to have Goggles by his side. Rider noticed the other's blush-colored ears, and chuckled softly before sitting down.
"Hey, what do you wanna do today?"

[I wrote this while I was really hungry... Goggles PLEASE share some omelettes...]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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