Chapter 2

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            When Horus came too he was on a surprisingly comfy bed just a foot off the ground with a thin sheet for a blanket, in a locked room. The floor was covered in a bright yellow carpet that would sting one's eyes by looking at it, luckily for him, the walls and ceiling were just smoothed concrete. there was an extra room jutting out like an additional two walls to make a part of the room separate, a plain white door, with an iron doorknob, was blocking his view inside. A big iron door directly right of the bed was bolted shut as if they were trying to keep a whale monkey banana turtle inside. About 7 feet away from the end of the bed in the corner of the room was a pile of old magazines, one ceiling light was illuminating the whole room.

          Horus put his hand to his head and noticed he still had the glowing yellow headphones he sat still recalling what happened. "He's really dead, I couldn't help him and now I'm here, why did they even do it" Horus sorrowly announced what he already knew to himself. What am I even supposed to do? he thought to himself, Horus let out a heavy sigh feeling powerless. His friend was gone, he was locked up in a cell the only good thing about this was that he got headphones but his friend had to die for them that didn't seem fair at all.

          "I guess this is my life now," Horus said with less content in his voice, than he was hoping for "I'm sure there's a good reason for this I just have to go along with it, yeah Kyle wasn't killed for nothing." He said trying to convince himself.

           "Great I'm stuck with another idiot user." said a voice with no clear source Horus quickly looked around the room but no one else was there except for some magazines he hadn't seen earlier.

        "Who said that?" Horus asked trying to sound less shaken than he was but failed horribly he quietly waited for a response he could hear mumbling but no answer so he tried again semi-succeeding in sounding less shaken "Who said the thing about 'another idiot'?".

         "Wait, are you talking to me?!" the voice asked with a mix of excitement and anticipation in their voice.

        "Yeah, who else would I be talking to?" Horus asked confused by whether he'd been hit on the head too hard or something.

         "Well, I don't know I thought you could have been some insane lunatic or something," The voice said with a bite to it although Horus knew it wasn't a voice he'd heard before it seemed kind of familiar.

          "Firstly, I'm not a lunatic at least not until I started hearing you," Horus said gesturing around the room as if the voice was somewhere and he just couldn't see it "Secondly, you still haven't told me who you are," Horus repeated his question more demanding now.

           "I'm the yellow stone I believe my name was Glyn or something like that," Glyn said and instantly Horus remembered what Glyn's tone reminded him of, Kyle. Horus slumped down even deeper into his frankly cheap bed remembering the fun games he'd played with Kyle and them bonding over fighting that fire together which didn't exactly help his fear of fire either but it was still a bonding experience none the less. "Can you not mope like everyone else who comes here, I'd kind of like to actually escape from this cramped place." the voice said disappointed. Horus covered his head with the pillow on his bed to try and block out the voice.

          "Just go away," Horus's pillow muffled voice said, "I just have to take it if I try anything else it'll just screw everything up like when I made friends with Kyle." he pushed his head deeper into the pillow.

           "Sadly I can't go away since I am slightly trapped in your headphones, now if you could stop moping and maybe try and get out of this place that'd be just fantastic," The voice ushered "Oh and putting a pillow over your head isn't exactly going to lessen my voice especially since you still have your headphones on." Horus threw his pillow off his head and gave a heavy sigh as he sat up.

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