Chapter 6

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          Horus was baffled by the fact they had taken a middle schooler for their experiments, he then remembered that blasted machine that hurt his arm and his determination to escape had almost multiplied by ten. Finally, the food was served and the girl just stood still, Horus didn't know what he should do. Melvin grabbed his tray and set it down at the table and then took red's tray and went up to Cara, "I'm sure you have a lot of questions how about come eat and I can try and answer some for you," Melvin said with a comforting smile, the girl hesitantly took the tray and followed him to the table where Horus and Jayna were sitting they both sat down with their trays, Horus caught Melody looking almost impressed but she quickly corrected herself and continued to eat, he could also see Kian smirk for a little bit till returning to his food.

          Cara was quiet with her eyes shifting trying not to look at anyone directly. Horus felt awkward too, Melvin was digging into his spaghetti waiting for Cara to speak up. Luckily Jayna was there to do the talking, "Hey, where did you come from? How are you feeling? Do you have any questions?" Jayna asked.

           Surprisingly Cara answered in a quiet voice, "Of course." Cara looked up at Jayna "Of course I have questions, can I asked them?" Cara asked unsure and nervous.

         "Of course you can ask, anything at all," Melvin chimed in, "Hey after we finish answering your questions can we also ask some of our own?" he added Cara nodded and begun to speak.

        "Why am I here? what is this place?" Cara asked questions that any normal person would. Horus wondered if it came off as weird that he didn't ask any questions. 

        "Well, you're here cause of that red stone you touched that turned into an item that you like. This place is a prison kind of for us cause those stones give us powers and so they trap us in here and experiment on us to find out," Melvin explained, "Well that's what we think anyway." Jayna then kicked him under the table. "OW, why'd you do that?!" He exclaimed holding his leg where Jayna kicked him.

          "Cause you just told this 12-year-old that they are trapped and gonna be experimented on," Jayna said angrily. 

           "Yeah!" Melvin said in a no duh sherlock attitude, "Cause that's what's gonna happen, it's not like she is an elementary kid." 

           "That doesn't mean you shouldn't at least try and sugar coat it!" Jayna said sighing highly irritated. Cara looked like she had shrunk 10 times over, and Horus felt more awkward. No matter how much more Jayna asked Cara didn't answer.

           "I somewhat feel like this is my fault," Melvin said awkwardly after Jayna tried to get Cara to talk for the seventh time. 

            "Ya think?" Jayna said, "It's fine, she'll talk eventually."  Jayna then started eating her food.

             "Hey, can I see that key that's around your neck?" Horus asked his voice had a sort of I have an idea tone to it. Cara nodded and gave Horus the key like it was demand more than a request.

             "Red spirit thingy, can you tell me how this girl got here," Horus whispered while eating his food hoping the guards wouldn't notice. 

             "Yeah, it's a really dumb thing that happened too, I wish I could just say she had bad luck and that's how she got the red stone but actually it's a devious plan," Red spirit said in a raspy angry voice, "So her uncle and aunt work here, they want her parents money but that would go to the parents little girl Cara if the parents died, so they decided if somehow they faked Cara accidentally getting a hold of the Red stone and then had the organization fake her disappearance and now if the parents both die the money will go to those jerks!" red spirit said their voice getting angrier as they went. Horus thanked the spirit for their help and gave the key back to Cara. 

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