Chapter 11

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Run. I just had to run. Had to get away from those red eyes, the sharp teeth, the angry howls. There was only so fast I could run on human legs. I tried to shift, Why couldn't I? Every time I tried agonizing pain like fire shot through me. So, I just ran, ran as fast as my legs would allow.

The sound of footsteps and growls were getting close, I had to find a place to hide and fast. Out the corner of my eye, I saw a cave. I took a hard turn to my left and ran into the mouth of the cave. As soon as I stepped in the sound of the wolves that were chasing me disappeared and something in my hand began to glow. Looking down I saw that I held a dreamcatcher that had three silver feathers hanging from it. The dreamcatcher was glowing with a light blue hue and began to almost pulsate the further I went in the cave. Before I knew it, I was in a round opening, almost like a room, with a large boulder in the middle. On the boulder was intricate swirls and stars that seemed to point towards a hook made of stone.

Just as I was about to follow my instincts and place the Catcher onto the hook, a scratchy voice said my name dripping with murder. I turned so fast, nearly dropping the Catcher, to see Jake stepping out of the shadows.

"If you think that you will take all that power from me," he said in a strangled tone, "I will show you a whole world of hurt before ending your pathetic life."

"You mean like the way you did on our wedding day? Like the scars that you had left on me?" I taunted which might have been a bad idea.

Jake let out an angry growl and lunged for me while I turned and placed the Catcher on the stone hook.

I sat straight up in bed, throwing the blankets off, and running to the bathroom. After emptying my already emptying stomach, I walked to the sink and wet my face with cold water. This damn dream was going to be the death of me if it keeps me from getting any sleep. Glancing at the clock that hung on the bathroom wall, I saw that it was almost midnight. That meant lunch would be coming soon.

On shaking legs and a roaring stomach, I walked back into the bedroom to find the twin maids standing in the middle of the room, both holding a white bag.

"The master would like you to join him for lunch," one said.

"Not the master, but the betta," said the other.

"Oh, right. Not the master."

"you need to work on remembering who told you what, sister."

"I know."

I waited quietly as the twins worked out their own dilemma for a moment before asking, "Why would Eric want to have lunch with me? I'm sure he has other, more important things to deal with."

"We're not sure."

"He said something along the lines of stupid people visiting."

"And that he would rather have lunch with someone who wants to kill him than the stupid people."

"I thought I wasn't allowed to leave my room," I said flatly.

"Beta isn't dumb enough to go behind master's back."

"Not anymore, at least."

"So, he is coming here for lunch."

"But he asked that you are still dressed appropriately."

I let out a heavy sigh and motioned for the girls to get started. "Fine but I refuse to wear high heels."

The twins nodded and one dropped one of the white bags on the floor by the door. Just like the last time the girls had gotten me ready, I was brought to the vanity in the bathroom and they started their work. After about half an hour I found myself standing in front of the body length mirror again but this time I did not completely hate my reflection. The makeup I wore was light and made me look more mature, elegant. My hair was down this time but was in soft curls. The twins had put a butterfly-shaped hairpin on the side of my head to keep my hair out of my face and it sparkled with every movement. The dress I wore was not as elegant as the last but was still pretty. It was a soft gold color and was about knee length. The straps hung off my shoulders in rifles which were my favorite part.

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