Chapter 12

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The next day came all too quickly, but also not quick enough. If that made any sense. I was one day closer to be married to Jake and Drake was one step closer to getting The Catcher. Again, I hoped Rick hid the last piece well. The last thing the world needed was a power-hungry alpha with the power to shape the world at his command. I must do something, I must get out of here, but how?

'Look to the right,' Cathy had told me. What in the world did that even mean? What was going to be to my right beside Jake at the Altor? It had to be a code for something. Maybe Cathy was trying to explain to me that she had planned on helping me escape as she did for Katie.

A knock on the bedroom door stirred me from my thought, causing me to turn to the twins enter. The two weirdos were here earlier around lunchtime to get me ready for my dance practice and then left to go see if Eric was ready for me or not. Today they had me dressed in a simple white dress that went down to the floor and my hair pulled back into a tight bun. According to the twins, the dress is supposed to resemble the dress I will be wearing tomorrow for the wedding. I guess so I can get used to it. How nice.

With a twin on each side, I was led down the hall, down the stairs, and through double doors that was hidden behind the stairs, which lead to a large music room. The room was enormous, with high ceilings and hardwood floors that shined. Along one wall were different types of instruments. They must not get played too much from the looks of it. The opposite wall was not really a wall, but floor to ceiling windows that showed the vast yard behind the Alpha house.

The night sky was full of stars and an almost full moon. Looking at the moon filled me with a heavy feeling like I was being crushed on the inside. The once beautiful sight is now nothing more than a clock, slowly clicking minute by minute to tomorrow night.

I looked down into the yard to see a beautiful and vast rose garden with little torches lit throughout. I was transfixed and the vastness of the garden until I noticed some movement. When I looked, I saw that it was several servants bustling about, some carrying chairs, some carrying tables, and others carrying décor. In the center in the far back stood a tall arch that was being decorated with red and silver ribbons. A small tear had made its way down as I stared at the harmless yet dangerous alter.

Look to the right.

Cathy's word filtered through my mind once again. I looked to the right, past the garden, and into the thick forest. Maybe that was my escape or the way Katie had escaped, and I just had to wait for the right moment to make a break for it. I just must remember that since Katie escaped the last time, it will be even more difficult for me. Katie had the surprise on her side with killing Drakes oldest son. What do I have?

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

I jumped at the voice and turned sharply to see Jake standing a few feet away with his hands casually in his pockets. He wore a nice white button up and black slacks and shoes. Instead of answering him, I turned my attention to the double doors in time to see Eric stroll in whistling. I walked around Jake towards Eric, Jake following suit. Soon as Eric spotted the two of us, a smile broke across his handsome face.

"Good, you're both here on time," Eric said casually.

"Both?" I asked. There was no way that I was going to practice with Jake.

"Oh, little wolfie," Jake said teasingly. "You didn't think Eric could teach you the dances and play the piano, did you?"

I'm getting really annoyed with that stupid nickname and stupid rhetorical questions like that. Why does he have to be so annoying and sarcastic?

Eric smiled again as he passed Jake a music book and pushed him towards the grand piano that was set up in the far corner. "Why are you not wearing the heels I sent to your room?"

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