Chapter 2

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I had the worst sleep ever I tossed and turned all night so I was relieved when my alarm went off for work. I was doing a shoot for Kerrang! magazine today. I got out of bed and had a shower leaving Jacky to sleep I really don't want him to go to America. I shoved on whatever I had left on the floor the day before there was no need to do my make up or hair properly because I would be having it all done profesionally when I got there. I put on my heels and went over to the car. I dumped my bag onto the passenger seat and text my manager saying I was on the way to Kerrang's head office and that I'd meet her there. I was way too tired for this but if I didn't turn up I know my manager would have kittens! When I pulled up at Kerrang I quickly looked at myself in the rearview mirror, noticing my Black ringed eyes, my manager was obviously going to notice my lack of sleep. I groaned and got out of the car walking up to reception where I met my manager Anabell I greeted her "Looks like you didn't get enough sleep last night? is everyhing okay?" 

"Well I just had a bit of a rough time yesterday" she smiled sympathetically and then rushed me into the dressing room where I was immidiatley smothered by hair stylists and make up artists. A woman handed me a leather swimsuit and some ripped up fishnet tights. I slipped into it and looked in the mirror looking a lot more fresh faced. "See you look great now" I smiled at Anibell as she then whisked me off to be photogrhed. I'd recently won at the Kerrang! awards for hotest female. I wasn't a singer or anything I'm seen in a lot of clothing site adverts in the back and they now wanted to interview me. After an hour photoshoot I was allowed a quick break. Which gave me the chance to return the few calls I had. Jacky, my Mum and an unknown number I ignored the unknown number knowing that it was probably another agency and returned Mum and Jacky's calls. 

"Hey Baby what's up?" I beamed down the phone 

"What time will you be back? We need to talk" 

"I don't know I've got a 20 minute interview in a sec and then I'm done so about an hour or so?" hearing Jacky's voice instantly cheered me up and knowing that he wanted to talk things through made me instantly happy "Okay sweetie well I'll be waiting for you" The interview went really well. There was a lot of talk about my relationship and stuff but I mad out we were both perfectly fine. I was relieved to be back in my car heading home to see Jacky.

Running up the appartment facility steps I got to our front door. I could hear music playing softley which was strange because usually when I came home from work all I would hear is Jacky shreeding on his guitar. I swung open the door feeling excited to see him, I looked to see Jacky had set out what I could only describe as a romantic meal, there were flowers and rose petals and candle everywhere "Aww Jacky, what's this for?" I said not moving from where I was stood

"Well tonight might be the last time I see you" I looked at him confused and dropped my bag on the floor

"Jacky what do you mean?" he gestured for me to sit down at one end of the table whilst he finished up whatever he was cooking. I was still confused, he wouldn't leave this quickly would he? That's even if he had decided to go. He came back into the dining room and placed a bowl of pasta infront of me  "Walah"

"Jacky I didn't know you could cook pasta so perfectly!" 

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me" 

"You don't say" I whispered under my breath as he poured me a glass of wine. He sat down oposite me "So what did you mean by 'the last time you see me'?" I asked him

"I'm going to America" I sighed and put my fork back down

"When?" he gulped and looked down at his pasts before saying

"Tomorrow" I gasped and stabbed a bit of my pasta with my fork

"So you're just going to throw everything away? and leave me here?" he shook his head but didn't say anything so I stood up and went to our bedroom slamming the door shut so I could be left alone. I was so upset no that was an understatement I was in hysterics absoloutley bawling my eyes out. How could Jacky even think of just leaving me like this? Soon Jacky was knocking on the door to come in "Deven please baby let's talk about this" I proceded to ignore him until I just really needed a hug. I opend the door and Jacky sat on the bed with me handing me a tissue and pulling me into a hug "Why are you doing this Jacky?" I stutered out.

"Because it's my dream, this band is going to be huge, I thought you would support me?" I wiped my eyes and breathed in "I do support you it's just so far!" I sweeped my hair back out of my face. "I guess I should help you pack then" I stood up and went round to his wardrobe "Oh you already packed then?" I said noticing none of his clothes were in the wardrobe. I shut the doors and went back into the dining room to wash up. Jacky followed me. "I have no choice I either go tomorrow or not at all" he came over and put his hands on my hips "I just thought tonight we could spend some quality time together" he turned me around to face him "I will still love you, and when you're ready you can come out and live with me" I breathed in 

"I guess so" I turned back around and carried on washing up. Jacky went over to our DVD collection and picked our favourite movie out The Nightmare Before Christmas. I went over and snuggled next to him, we didn't even watch the film we just made out through it which was nice. I think I would miss this the most just snuggling and kissing on the sofa with a film on. The night flew by and it was almost 3am "Babe we have to get some sleep, my flights tomorrow" we headed to bed and Jacky put his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest before I fell asleep. 

The next morning I groaned as I sat up, noticing Jacky wasn't next to me I looked at the clock "1pm!" I shouted Jacky then came into the room "Oh you haven't gone yet?" I questioned he shook his head "I want you to come with me my flight leaves at 4pm but we need to go check in so hurry and get ready" I ran into the bathroom and shoved some clothes on. I shoved my hair into a pony tail; and put on a little make up but not too much.Jacky was rushing me about. I wish he wouldn't, I just wanted to stay home on my day off. Sooner or later I was in the driving seat of my car. Jacky dumped his suitcases in the boot and got in. We didn't speak the whole journey to the airport. I was too upset to speak. I couldn't believe this was happening, he was actually going to leave me. When we pulled up at the airport. I hugged him in the car "I guess this is it then?" 

"What are you talking about? You're coming with me into the airport" I smiled at him and followed him out of the car. As soon as he got his tickets we headed to security a lump grew in my throat knowing that this was when I said goodbye properly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and nestled my head into his chest "Goodbye Jacky" I mumbled into his chest "It's been great" I smiled a little as the tears started to roll down my cheeks. Jacky lifted my face from his chest and wiped the tears away with his thumbs "I love you Deven, so much" I look up trying to stop the tears "I'll call you as soon as I get to America" I breathed in and gave Jacky one last hug before I watched him walk away. He took one last look at me and dissapeared. It then hit me and I collapsed to the floor in tears. I didn't care that people were looking at me like I was insane. Eventually I picked myself up off of the floor and literally ran out to my  car before collapsing in the front seat. 

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