Chapter 12

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I was sat in Ryan's car, still in the dress and shoes I had worn for Lexus's wedding. It was silent the sound of the engine or the tick of the indicator was all I could hear. I was staring blankley out of the window in front of me. My back and wrists ached from the force they had both had on them. I felt Ryan stroke my arm to try and get my attention I shuddered and turned to him noticing now that we had pulled up at the side of the road "What's going on Deven?" I tried to speak but I couldn't Ryan sighed "Why were you arguing?" I cleared my throat slightly 

"He was angry about me hanging out with someone, it was just as a friend but... he didn't seem to want to listen" 

"What's the friends name?" Ryan asked 

"He's called Max, I just don't understand what I've done wrong" I looked at Ryan who was rolling his eyes I narrowed my eyes at him and he laughed "I think I know what's happened here, is his last name Green?" How did he know?

"Yeah, Ryan what's going on?" I stuttered he restarted the car

"Let's go back to Ronnie's" Ryan suggested I grabbed his arm

"No don't make me go back there Ryan!" he looked at me like I was crazy

"Why the hell not?" 

"Because... because I'm scared of him" Ryan didn't say anything he just kept on driving in the direction of Ronnie's apartment. I wasn't lying when I said I was scared of him I dread to think what he might have done if Ryan hadn't buzzed in like that. I would have probably been stuck to that wall until I had any guts to actually move. We pulled up at the apartments and I sunk into the seat "I can't go in there Ryan!" 

"And I'm not going to make you, I'll go in and get your stuff yeah?" I nodded frantically. Ryan got out of the car and I watched him through the rearview mirror as he walked in.

I looked at myself in the wing mirror I looked a mess. That's all I was a mess, I was on the move again. "I should never have fucking come out here, fuck you Jacky this is all your fault!" I shouted at myself. I wiped the smudged mascarra from my face and brushed through my hair with my fingers... I needed to know who Max was, was he someone involved in Ronnie's past? I repeated Max's name over and over in my head trying to work out whether it fitted in somewhere but I couldn't figure it out. Ryan returned with my suitcase he threw it into the back seat and then he got into the front seat throwing my phone into my lap. "Help me out Ryan?" I said as we pulled out of the parking lott and headed where ever I was being taken. "Let's just get you home first so you can sort yourself out"


"My place, but JUST for tonight" I sighed knowing I was probably going to end up on the streets, but I just couldn't see Ryan being the type of guy to just leave me to deal with my issues as much as I wanted to deal with them myself, I wasn't 100% sure what was going on. "Then what happens tomorrow?" 

"Look let's just take one step at a time Deven" I turned back and grabbed my phone to read the message I had got before Ronnie's outburst. It was from Max obviously

what's up? x

What;s up? WHAT'S UP? I thought to myself. That's a bloody ridiculous thing for Ronnie to get mad at, I mean it's not like any of our other messages were bad either it was either, pick me up or I'm bored let's go out. I know I should have told Ronnie I was going out and who with but even when he did ask where I had been I always said with a friend and he never questioned it. 

Ryan's apartment was only slightly smaller than Ronnie's as it had one less bedroom. But I settled on sleeping on the sofa bed, I didn't mind seeing as this was sort of an emergency. Ryan let me take a shower and get changed out of my dress and stuff before we spoke about this whole situation, maybe Ryan could make some sence of it all for me. When I sat down he handed me a coffee which I was extremely thankful for "So you a little calmer now?" he asked as I placed the coffee cup down on the table in front of us "Yeah just explain to me, who is Max?"

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