Chapter 7

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The guys had left and Ronnie was just shutting the door he turned and leant on it "I'm sorry about that Dev" he said sympathetically "They are stupid sometimes" I grinned at him "You were so scared, should have seen your face" I said laughing. He gave me a grin as he approached me 

"Me scared you were the one clinging to me for dear life" he said chuckling to himself. "Oh Ronnie please help me" he whined pretending to be me

"I do not sound like that!" I shouted throwing the pillow I was holding at him. He ran over to me threatening to throw the pillow back at me I put my hands over my face and squeeled "Come on bed time" He said to me sternly like I was a child misbehaving I looked over to the room and got up 

"I'll see you in the morning" I said to him as I stumbled off. I switched the light off and shut the door before peeling my clothes off. But I was way too scared to sleep I kept hearing little things outside that made me jump "I shouldn't have chosen that god damn film!" I whispered to myself. I thought about going into Ronnie's room and asking if I could sleep in there but I was too nervous to ask. I laid there for another five minutes and glanced at the clock it read 3:06 I sighed and gave in grabbing my oversized hoodie and wandering out of the room when I say wandering I mean ran. I pushed Ronnie's door open and whispered his name "Ronnie?" he groaned

"What is it Deven?" He said pulling his cover up over his face

"I'm scared" I said biting my finger 

"What do you want me to do about that?" I smiled to myself and bit my lip

"Can I sleep in here with you" I asked him nervously I heard him shift under the covers

"I guess so" I shut the door and took off the over sized hoodie dropping it on the floor, I slipped under the cream covers and faced away from Ronnie but after about ten minutes he had his arms around my waist pulling me into him so I felt safer.

I woke up the next morning seeing Ronnie's tattooed arm over my waist. The sheet's were hardly covering my half naked body any more and when I climbed out of bed and opened the bedroom door I saw Jacky, Ryan, Derek and Ron sat on the couch and chair watching the television. I quickly shut the door hearing Derek shout Ronnie he must have heard the door shut. Ronnie groaned and rolled over seeing me half naked standing at his door. I quickly grabbed my hoodie and covered myself "Ronnie! the guys are here and they are coming over to this room" I ran over to the bed and jumped back in as someone opened the door.I sat up and covered my bra and the rest of me with the quilt Derek's face appeared at the door and he looked at me then looked at Ronnie sprawled out on the bed in his boxers "Ooo Ronnie did you get lucky last night?" he questioned Ronnie groaned and rolled over "What are you doing here Derek?" He sniggered

"We're all here" Suddenly Jacky's head popped around the door and I covered my face with my hands "I expected a bit more decency from you" He said to me and shook his head. 

"Hold on Jack!" I shouted as he went to leave "Me and you are having a talk later and I don't care what you say" I grabbed my hoodie and put it on before leaving the room and going back to mine. I got changed into some clean clothes to go and meet up with Lexus

I walked out into the kitchen area and sat on the counter to call Lexus to ask if she could pick me up because I still wasn't actually sure how to get into Vegas from Ronnie's flat. I looked over at the guys, they were all sat around the sofa playing Call Of Duty, every now and again I would catch Jacky taking a sneaky look at me. Lexus agreed to pick me up so I headed out of the flat to go and sit outside in the sunshine for a bit "Bye guys" I said as I walked by them in the living room they all sort of grunted in unison as I left the room shutting the door behind me. I got half way down the stairs when I heard my name being shouted and someone coming down the stairs behind me "It's Jacky wait up" I froze and turned to look at him 

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