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Sorry for not updating this hot mess! I'm lazy lol.

Shit. Todoroki, I completely forgot about him.

Fucker texted me like three times! What the hell does HE want? I might as well read them, must be important right?

Icy-Hot: Bakugou? Can you come to my dorm?
Icy-Hot: Bakugou??
Icy-Hot: Sorry for bothering you I guess?

Bakugou: I'll be there in a minute dammit!

I shut my phone off and ran to the elevator, was this really important? If it's about the party again I'm gonna murder somebody, it's fucking annoying to be reminded about it! After about two minutes I finally fucking reached his floor. I stepped out of the elevator and into the hall, rushing over to his dorm. I pretty much banged on the door, to which a half awake Todoroki popped out. "What are you? The FBI?" He yawned and invited me in. "I fucking came, whaddya want?"

"What are we?" Todoroki asked, honestly confused. "The fuck do you mean?" I asked, does this fucker seriously want to know. "Are we dating or not?" Todoroki picked up his phone and looked at something. "Do you want to be?" I asked, peering over his shoulder slightly. "Yes." Todoroki sighed. "Than theres you're fucking answer." I scoffed. Todoroki pressed a button on his phone and a song quietly started playing, he got up and started dancing around, humming to the tune.

Bakugou looked at the phone screen, then at Todoroki. "Hey," He took his phone and turned around to face him completely, "What are you listening to?" He asked, completely confused. Todoroki stopped humming and turned to him, "Billie Ellish songs.." He looked down, at his bare feet. "This shit sounds fucking weird." Bakugou started scrolling through all the songs and reading their titles. "It's good music I promise you," Todoroki walked over and climbed on the bed, taking his phone back, "Here this is my favorite one.." He tapped on a song titled 'come out and play' a somewhat sweet sounding song started playing, but still sounding like some of the previous ones. Todoroki started humming along, quietly. "Okay, I guess her songs aren't that bad.." Bakugou remarked.

"Hey, do you want some Avacado toast?" Todoroki quietly asked, pausing the song. Before Bakugou could answer he grabbed his wrist and rushed to the dorm room door, opening it and running down the hall, his feet loudly thumping against the floor. He tapped the elevator's button and it quickly came up. He stepped inside it, Bakugou still in tow, while they were in the elevator Todoroki adjusted his hand so it was in Bakugou's. They reached the common room, and the kitchen, being greeted by others in the common room. Todoroki let go of Bakugou's hand and wandered off into the kitchen. "Hey Bakugou, what's with Todoroki?" Ashido asked, a cup resting on her elbow, a dare from Denki. "What do you mean?" Bakugou asked, surprisingly calm. "Well for one, he looked happy? Not saying he isn't he just never really shows his emotions," Ashido sat up a bit, still balancing the cup, "He was wearing a sweater and no shoes, I've never seen him without socks, let alone something that looked comfy." Ashido tilted her head to further expose her confusion. "He was taking a nap, that's why.." Bakugou's faced heated up slightly, he never noticed what he was wearing, how the sweater was too big and hung off his shoulders cutely, or how you could just barley see the extremely low cut shorts he was wearing that were just a size too small. He looked and Todoroki, as he motioned for him to get the Avocado toast that sat on a plate. "Wow, I'm surprised it isn't burnt." Bakugou said sarcastically. "Oh shush, by the way," Todoroki paused seemingly embarrassed, "can I call you Katsuki now, since y'know.." He looked directly into Bakugou's eyes. "What the hell? Of course, if I get to call you Shoto." Katsuki smiled, well more of a smirk, but it worked. "Okay, Katsuki." Shoto said stuffing a piece of Avocado toast in his mouth, offering a piece to Katsuki.

A voice shouted from the common room, followed by a thud, than laughing and a bit of..crying? Katsuki turned around to see Sero, Denki, Deku, and Kirishima laughing, while Ashido whined And sadly handed Denki five dollars, with a cup of water split on the floor. Katsuki scoffed and turned around, shoving Avocado toast in his face.

Time skip brought to you by a todo in a kitty sweater!
Katsuki and Shoto we're back in his dorm, chattering. "Hey, wanna share a pair of headphones and listen to this?" Shoto looked over to Katsuki who was on the other side of the bed, "Sure, What is it?" Katsuki asked, tiredly, it was nearing 10 pm, "A lullaby, come sit here." Shoto patted a spot next to him. "Okay, I'm tired anyway.." Katsuki laid next to Shoto, he got the message and placed the earphone in both his and Katsuki's ear laying next to him and pressing play. A music box melody started playing, accompanied by a pretty humming voice, they soon both fell asleep, hand in hand with a phone in the middle of them.

Have to make this more than 1,000 words so to the next day.

Bakugou woke up to a changing, Shoto earphone no longer in his ear. "Katsuki, we have two hours until school starts," Shoto said, voice muffled by his white uniform shirt, "Go to your dorm and get ready, we can walk together." Katsuki nodded to himself and mumbled a 'see you later' as he rushed to the elevator and eventually his dorm, rushing to get dressed and throwing his comfortable clothes into a corner. He repeated the process upward to Shoto's dorm where he waited outside, talking to Deku.
"Like I said Midoriya, I do not wish to affiliate with you after what you did to Bakugou."
"Todoroki please! You don't get it, I just wanna be friends!"
"As I said no."
Todoroki sighed and walked over to Katsuki. He stood on his toes slightly and kissed him, making eye contact with Deku the entire time. "What the fuck? At least tell me when you're gonna kiss me!" Katsuki scolded him, glaring and Deku. "Why the fuck were you-" Before Katsuki could finish he was pulled by the shirt collar to the elevator in order to leave. It's not that he hated Deku, it's just he didn't appreciate how he made Katsuki feel.

Same with the so-called 'Bastard' Kirishima.

He simply didn't like anyone who hurt his new... Boyfriend.

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