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<< I'm at a birthday party while doing this, so I decided to make a chapter and post it later. Six yr olds are boring. Also I'll try to find songs for every chapter now. >>

~~The next day~~

The two sat on the floor of Katsuki's dorm, rambling about random stuff and cutting each other off, only for one to apologize and let the other continue. It was weird at first. The two had of course talked like this before, but they had nothing to talk about before Katsuki said fuck it and started going on a rant. They had already jotted down their amusement park plans the day before.

They would leave the morning of Saturday next week, if they left at the right time they could get there at the right time they could ride almost all the attractions and be on the ferris wheel by sunset. The Ferris Wheel at the park Shoto picked had vines growing on it, it would light up too. A lot of couples went on Ferris wheels, so it was obvious for them to do the same. A true moment to remember for life, their first amusement park date!

"What time is it?" Katsuki stretched and got up. Looking at his phone clock. "It's almost time for dinner." He stretched once more and opened his door.

"Ah, right, let's go." Shoto got onto his feet and followed Katsuki. Shoto couldn't help but feel like something was wrong with him. He wasn't hungry at all, it was like his appetite vanished into the darkness. Whatever it was he still had to eat something.

Once they got onto the bottom floor Shoto walked over to the kitchen, looking at the refrigerator he spotted the avocados and snatched one, a knife too. He got the toaster from the top of the fridge, with Katsuki's help. He slapped some bread into the toaster and started scooping the avocado onto the knife. The toasted toast sprung up from the machine and onto the counter. Putting it on a plate Shoto avocado-ed his toast.

"You're seriously having toast for dinner." Katsuki turned away from the stove, he had made a little too much food.

"Yes, I am." Photo proudly announced, finishing the first piece.

"Get over here and eat this, I made to much anyway." Katsuki grabbed a second plate and slid the extra food onto it. Shoving it in his direction as he turned the stove off.

"Oh fine, if you insist." Shoto reluctantly took the well-made food and grabbed chopsticks. Walking over to the counter and sitting criss-cross on it while Katsuki put the pots and pans into the sink.

"I'll wash them, don't worry about it, it's the least I can do." Shoto said as he watched Katsuki climb up onto the counter as well.

"If you say so. Now eat, you're probably starving.." Katsuki said as he dug into his own food, watching from the corner of his eye as Shoto ate too. He was honestly worried, hoping it was just a case of the classic no appetite for a while.

"W-Wow that was really good!" Shoto complimented Katsuki, once he finished his bowl of food.

"Damn right it was, are you sure you don't want me to help with the dishes though?" Katsuki asked, before he learned to cook he'd always help his mother wash the dishes, so he was generally good at it.

"No! I got it." Shoto jumped off the counter and walked to the sink, turning on the faucet as he watched Katsuki slowly walk off to his room. Mostly everyone else had finished their food and was off in their rooms. Shoto took his phone from his pocket and set it on the counter, picking a random song from all the ones he had and let it play. He swayed from side to side as he washed the dishes, it wasn't a particularly sad song, but it wasn't quite happy either.

"Done." After around 30 minutes Shoto finally finished washing the dishes of everyone. Grabbing his phone he turned off the song that had started after the last 10. He sighed and put it into his pocket, walking up to his dorm room. He changed into a severely oversized shirt that said 'Free Hugs' on it. He locked his dorm room door and went to Katsuki's dorm.

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