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This is the official 7th chapter! The last one was becoming of pure boredom.

6 Am

Katsuki woke up to the sound of Shoto's feet stamping on the floor, frantically, "What the fuck?" Katsuki stretched his arms out, "what's wrong?" Katsuki stared at Shoto. He pulled his shoes on and tossed clothes at Katsuki, "You'll have to wear one of my uniforms, school starts in less than two hours I think." Shoto checked his bag to make sure he had everything. "Ah okay."

7:52 AM

Katsuki and Shoto rushed outside the dorms, they were completely empty, not even the normally late students were there, surprisingly. They pretty much teleported there, with the help of their quirks it was a fast walk, but felt painfully slow. The duo pretty much kicked the door down and stepped inside class 1-A taking a moment to catch their breath. "Why are you panting, did you guys run here?" Denki smugly asked, "Why the fuck do you care?" Katsuki insultingly asked, tugging at Shoto's uniform, he was too big for it. Murmurs came from around the classroom as to why they were late when a familiar voice boomed through the classroom, "SIT DOWM WOULD YOU?" Aizawa, it was Aizawa. Shoto and Katsuki rushed to their desks, still attempting to catch their breath. "Pop quiz, come up and get one, I'm not passing out." Aizawa zipped up his sleeping bag while the class whined.


Most of the class had finished their pop quizzes and were now quietly chatting, catching up on studies or sleeping. Shoto pulled his chair over to Katsuki's desk, intending to talk about something.
Conversation mode Actove!
"Hey, Katsuki."
"I have avocado toast, it's from yesterday but it's still good, since y'know, we didn't eat breakfast?"
"Wait, from yesterday, isn't that unhealthy?"
"Do you want to starve for hours until lunch, or eat now?"
"Oh fucking fine."
Shoto and Katsuki quietly munched on avocado toast, getting concerned looks from the rest of the class, but they didn't mind.


The class sadly had Mic's English class early today, pure suffering was among them, especially for those who weren't good at it, today's lesson was a hard one, and many were lost on the battle field. "REMEMBER CLASS, YOUR PROJECT SHOULD BE DONE IN TWOOO WEEKS! TURNED IN ANY LATER AND IT'LL BE MARKED DOWN!" The class waited..and..waited, and- "YEEEEAAAAAAHHHH." there it was, his signature, 'yeah'. The class packed everything up and ran, ran like the wind away from Mic's class.

We're not gonna focus on Shoto and Katsuki but instead Hakagure, Ashido, and Shoto.

"I'll sit with you in a minute, Katsuki." Shoto sat his lunch onto their table and walked off to another corner of the huge cafeteria the corner where most of the girls sat, not all of them though. Shoto was greeted with what only could be described as the two 'Anything Guru's' of class 1-A, they were amazing at anything drama, look, or relationship related. Shoto honestly found it scary, but need their help desperately. "Hi Todoroki, wassup?" Ashido turned to him as he awkwardly stood in front of their table, "I want to take Bakugou somewhere I like to go, but I don think he'd like it." Shoto stood completely still, but you could here the sheer embarrassment in his voice. "Well, where is it?" Hakagure waved her hands excitedly, although you couldn't see it. Shoto took out his phone and quickly showed them a picture of a cute cat cafe about 30 minutes away from school. "Hmm, I think he'd like it, after all they have pastries there, he likes those!" Ashido smiled, "Yeah, he likes strawberry the best." Hakagure chimed in. "How do you know this stuff?" Shoto asked, confused, "We just know! Now run along,Bakugou is waiting!" Hakagure pushed him along. He ran off to greet Katsuki and tell him about the cafe.

After School 5 pm

Shoto paced his room, looking at his clothing options for his little 'date' with Katsuki, they were only going their to work on their project for English class. It was then when Shoto realized he should probably go shopping more often. The best option he had was a short-sleeve black and white striped shirt with jeans. What was he? An eboy? He picked up a different outfit, one that was decent enough for where he was going, a black hoodie with the words ' that's sad' on it in white, with the same jeans from the last outfit and his mint sneakers. It wasn't much different but at least he didn't look like an eboy. He rushed outside to find Katsuki waiting for him, in a short-sleeve shirt that said 'boom boom bitch' on it. "I didn't expect you to own something so.." Shoto couldn't find words for it, "out there?" He snickered a bit under his breath. "I expect you to wear something emo as fuck though." Shoto smiled and started walkig with him, they'd be there in no time.

Just them, with no interruptions. Besides the cute kitty cats in the cafe.

Sorry I didn't do 1,000 words, got lazy.

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