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I'm writing this the day before Easter, yes I wrote two updates in one day. What are YOU gonna do about it?
Read it?
Also that's like my favorite song. Besides from like every song Bille Ellish has written.

It was the next morning and Kirishima's video had spread like the flu. Almost everybody knew about it, even kids in 1-C. Both Katsuki and Shoto were stressing their asses off. Being escorted into the school even scared them. The second they stepped into the door the murmurs hit them like a truck.

'Did you hear about what happened yesterday in the boys' shower room?'
'Wow gross.'
'All the hot guys are either taken or gay.'
'At least could've held back and did that at home.'
'I feel sick just thinking about it.'

Katsuki pretty much slammed everything into his locker and snatched Shoto by the hand once he closed his. Shoto already had sweat dripping down his face.
"Come on, we're skipping for now. Who cares about math anyway?" Katsuki smirked. Shoto smiled and nodded. Katsuki wasn't going to let this class skipping go to waste, he was going to do exactly what Shoto suggested a night or two earlier.
Report Kirishima's dumbass. But first he was going to have his fun, even if it meant getting expelled this was fucking payback for hurting Shoto, his one and only.
"Go report Shitty Hair, I'm gonna go do something..important." Katsuki squeezed Shoto's hand, sending him off.
"Okay don't do anything stupid." Shoto said before walking off in the direction of the office. Katsuki however went straight up to Kirishima.
"Hey, I want to talk." Katsuki shoved a hand into his loose pants pocket.
"Oh alright then." Kirishima glared at him with a disgusted look. Katsuki lead Kirishima to the gym connected to the school.
"Wait here." Katsuki smirked, running over to the baseball bat rack. He snatched one and dashed back to Kirishima, before the other boy could even react..


Katsuki hit the poor guy with all his rage, all his might. Repeatedly bashing his head, legs, and hardened arms. His quirk was no use in this situation.
"THIS IS WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE!" Katsuki screamed, all his power being put into the baseball bat, not even breaking a sweat.
"YOU FUCKING HURT SHOTO I HURT YOU!" Katsuki continued to scream and shout, his fist sparkling.
"YOU AND SHITTY DEKU CAN GO FUCKING DIE! YOU BITCH." Katsuki got tired and dropped the bat, now stomping on the passed out and bloody Kirishima. He still had so much energy, despite his hands bleeding slightly from the force he put onto the baseball bat.
"Katsuki What the hell are you doing?!" Katsuki turned around to find a panting Shoto surrounded by teachers.
"Come here!" Shoto ran over and hugged Katsuki so hard he fell on his ass. Katsuki was simply confused. Why did he get a hug after beating the shit out of someone?
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. This is my fault isn't it? You felt guilty because I cried the other day and did this? I don't deserve you do I? You're going to get yourself expelled because I go too emotional!" Shoto held onto Katsuki even tighter, never wanting to let go.
"YOU DUMBASS! I don't deserve YOU! You're too good for me, any day!" Katsuki wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, tears pooling in both of their eyes.
"Sorry to ruin the moment, but could both of you come to the office, Might take Kirishima to Recovery Girl." Aizawa emotionlessly said. The two got up from the floor and wiped their eyes.
"How did you guys find me?" Katsuki asked, his voice now hoarse from yelling so loud.
"Well a angry boy screeching isn't too hard to miss." Midnight said, scratching her head.
All of them walked down to the office, the two boys hand in hand while the teachers stayed slient. After reaching the office they all immediately began talking once All Might got back.
"You know this will 100% result in an expulsion, but we have a good idea of why you did this because of what Todoroki told us." Midnight spoke gently but sternly.
"Basically boy problems." Aizawa mumbled.
"But worse." Mic added.
"Anyways it'll be about a week long, and you'll be doing all the work you miss in class after school. Even homework." Aizawa explained. Shoto was panicking, this was the time where he needed Katsuki the most. The rumors and whispers putting anxiety in him. What about the people who are plain bullies? Would they hurt him? Shoto's breathing started to hitch, the room becoming smaller and smaller as he looked around. Sweat dropped profusely from his brow, tears pooling in his eyes once again.
"P-Please I-" Shoto shouted a crack in his voice.
"Yes, young Todoroki?" All Might asked.
"I WAS THE ONE WHO TOLD HIM TO DO IT!" Shoto yelled his voice cracking once again, tears slipping from his eyes, wiping them as they dropped.
"Is this tru-"
"Yes! Yes it's true." Shoto cut Mic off.
"Shoto why the fuck are you ly-"Katsuki's mouth was covered as Shoto whispered in his ear.
"I'm really scared, too scared of the physical bullying and rumors, I can't handle a day without you here, please Katsu, please!" He pretty much begged, he couldn't handle all of it on his own, even with Uraraka and Tsuyu on his side.
"You'll both be expelled with the same consequences, Nezu will confirm your expulsion and you'll leave tomorrow morning, before anyone wakes up. The class will be notified of you leaving." Aizawa finally said, harshly kicking them out. He loved his students, but he was disappointed now, his top students pulling something like this? But deep down he felt his dual haired 'child' had lied out of fear.

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