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I did 1,ooo words last time so we're gonna try and do it again boys, UwU
This story is probably gonna be in 3rd person because it's easier to write.

At School, morning

"Okay class," Aizawa Sensei began, "today we're going to do basic quirk training because I'm too tired to deal with you." He glared at the 'bakusquad'  that no longer included Bakugou. "Get your gym clothes on and let's go." Aizawa walked out of the classroom, probably to go get coffee before they left. People started exiting, while a few people chatted before leaving. "Katsuki," Shoto waved from across the room, next to the door, "come on, you need to stop spacing out." Katsuki stood up and stomped over to him, "Let's go."

In the training place thingy

It was loud, extremely loud, people were yelling over the sound of others training, or the loud sound of feet thumping across the floor, or just anything in general. "Katsuki, would you like to train together?" Shoto appeared behind Katsuki, scaring him in the process. "Don't fucking sneak up on me like that would you?" He spoke harshly, but not in a angry tone persay. "I take that as a yes, well come on then." Shoto took Katsuki by the hand and walked to a clearing where only Tsu, Uraraka, and Deku were training. All three of them stopped training for a moment and began to talk.
Conversation mode active!
"I've never seen them really fight or train besides the sports festival, what do you think is going on?"
"Todoroki-Kun kissed Kacchan, maybe there's a connection with that?"
"He did? Kero."
"Yeah, in the hallway."
"We probably shouldn't get into it, right Tsu, right Deku?"
"Yeah, kero."
Conversation mode deactivated!
The three of them continued training, tossing a few glances at Katsuki and Shoto. Getting angry glares from Katsuki in return. "I'll be back in a moment, Katsuki." Shoto calmly said and walked off, to do something. Katsuki took this as a chance to figure out what was going on between the three that they trained near. "Hey you fuckers!" Katsuki angrily stormed towards them. "Yes, Kacchan?" Deku sheepishly asked, backing away from Katsuki slowly. "Why the hell were you staring at me and Sho-Todoroki?" Katsuki fumbled a bit on Shoto's name, not knowing if he wanted him to refer to him as 'Shoto' to others. "Were you going to say Shoto? Kero." Tsu found her way into the conversation, Uraraka following up with, "Did you kiss him in the hall?" Katsuki glared at all of them, preparing to shout when an extremely cold feeling pierced his skin. "Yes, he did, why do you ask?" Shoto's calm voice shot like a gun in Katsuki's ear. "Well, Deku-Kun told us so, we just wanted to confirm." Tsu and Deku nodded. "Katsu- Bakugou said something about you looking at us, could you elaborate please?" Todoroki fumbled on his name as well, not knowing if he wanted to be referred by first name to others. "W-Well we've never seen you really training or doing anything together so.." Deku quietly said, almost like a whisper. "WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE SHITTU DE-" Katsuki yelled, but Shoto's hand covered his mouth, burning his soft lips a bit, "I see, we're in a relationship much like yours and Kirishima's, I apologize for bothering you." He grabbed Katsuki by the shirt once again and dragged him back to their training area, calmly scolding him.

Break time, late morning
"Shoto, do you wanna share this or whatever?" Katsuki said, seemingly embarrassed, "Sure what is it?" Shoto calmly asked, a small smile on his lips, "It's just some strawberries, nothing special." Katsuki mumbled, pushing a chair to Shoto's desk, a few other students were still there, studying or simply chatting in between classes. "Ah, okay." Shoto pushed a strawberry into his mouth, smiling with delight. "It tastes sweet." He popped another into his mouth and his face crinkled, "S-Sour!" He complained quietly. "Pfft-" Katsuki began to laugh, much to his boyfriend's annoyance, "It's not funny, it was like sour candy or something." He mumbled. "Yeah sure."

English, with Present Mic, almost afternoon
The entire class was pretty much done with Mic's shit, it was pretty much blaring in there, it was not quiet for a second, not even during a test, HE BREATHED TOO LOUD.  Momo had made earmuffs for herself secretly, but not even that helped. " ALRIGHT STUDENTS, YOU'LL BE DOING A PROJECT, IT HAS TO BE WRITTEN COMPLETELY IN ENGLISH AND NOOO TRANSLATORS! PICK YOUR PARTNERS WISELY!" The entire class covered their ears, tears of pain forming in their eyes, but they didn't move to get partnered up, the waited, and exactly 5 seconds later... "YEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" a few kids fell out their seats from the extreme amount of air he blew their way, the partners were..

Tsuyu and Uraraka
Deku and Kirishima
Denki and Sero
Mineta and Ojirou
Shoji and Tokoyami
Jirou and Momo
Satou and Koda
Todoroki and Bakugou
Hakagure and Ashido
(Sorry if that wasn't everyone oopsie!)
After they all partnered up and starting working a loud yell came from down the hall, "SHUT THE FUCK UP HIZASHI" It was Aizawa Sensei, Mic sunk down in his seat and didn't speak for the rest of class, which was surprisingly scary actually.

Lunchtime, afternoon
Conversation mode active!
"So how should we do this project? He didn't fucking specify what we're writing about!"
"Why not about ourselves, I can write about you, and you can write about me."
Shoto said this in less of a question form, but more of a command.
"Uhh, okay? We both get pretty good marks in English, so we'll get a good grade either way."
Shoto and Katsuki both took a bite of their food, looking over the requirement paper for their project.
"Should we, work in your room, or mine?"  Shoto's had to take pauses in between chewing and talking.
"Yours." Katsuki simply replied.
"Okay then, meet me outside the classroom so we can go."

After School, late afternoon
Shoto waited outside in the hall for Katsuki, when a loud thud came from inside the classroom, Shoto whipped around a rushed  only to find an angry Katsuki with his hands sparking, a injured Kirishima protecting a scared Deku. "What's going on here?" Shoto shouted, almost sounding like a teacher, Katsuki turned to him but before he could explain Kirishima spoke up, "He attacked us for no reason!" Shoto could easily tell that was a lie, he looked into Katsuki's red eyes, small tears forming in them, "What the fuck did you do?" Shoto glared at Kirishima, a death glare. "I'm sorry, this is m-my fault." Deku whispered, "I was talking to Kirishima about what happened this morning in the hall, and I said more than I should've, it offended Kacchan.." He muttered. "We're leaving, don't even think about talking to either of us.." Shoto took Katsuki's hand and squeezed it gently, pulling him out of classroom, after making it in front of the dorms, he turned to Katsuki, "Are you okay? Here let me wipe your face.." Shoto stood on his toes a bit and wiped the tears from Katsuki's eyes, "Whatever they said about you, me, or us, don't believe them, I don't want you getting detention because of idiots like them, we can start our project tomorrow, just sleep with me in my dorm, okay?" Katsuki nodded and held Shoto's hand all the way up to his floor and into his dorm room. They sat on Shoto's bed and talked, just talked no subject or certain thing, Shoto was extremely enthusiastic about English singers and their music, which was probably why he was so good in English. Shoto yawned and curled up next to Katsuki and slept, Katsuki soon falling asleep with him.

Needless to say, Katsuki didn't care what Kirishima or Deku said, as long as Shoto was there with him.

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