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<< Ohayou Gozaimasu, Oyasumi Nasai. Honestly depends what time it is when you're reading this. Listen to the songs if you want, reading in silence honestly gives me a headache. Enjoy. >>

The three sat in silence as they waited for Midnight to come back, Shoto's forehead cooling down from the hot lamp in that time. All Katsuki hoped was for his friend to have not fainted from the overwhelming temperatures. Did Katsuki just considered her a friend? Well it wasn't a lie, they were on pretty good terms.

"I'm back!" Midnight bounced in through the door, Tsuyu quickly sliding behind the door. A bag with UA printed on it in her hands.

"Thank you, I can take care of him from here." Katsuki honestly wanted to snatch the bag and shoo her out, but he had to at least thank her.

"No problem kid, tell me if his condition gets any worse." Midnight looked more than pleased with herself as she skipped off, to do who knows what.

"Let's go idiots, we got a girl to help." Katsuki peeked inside the bag as he walked out soon after Midnight. A thermometer, a liquid medicine, pills, and a couple of rags especially for medical use. A small folded paper of instructions laying under all of it. Katsuki pressed the elevator button with good hope that this stuff would help.

After reaching Uraraka's room, Tsuyu sat on the bed beside her and put the thermometer in her mouth, watching closely as the numbers went up and down, than up again. She took the thermometer out and held it to her eyes, starring at the boys with a relieved expression.

"It's only 70, 100 is considered really bad, so she should be alright with lots of rest and the medication. Nothing hospital worthy yet I hope.." Tsu looked concerned still.

"Well let's pour this shit in her mouth. Oi! Round Face sit up!" Katsuki started unscrewing the cap to the liquid medicine. He poured the dark drink into the cap and walked over to her.

"Mhmm, I'm up.." Uraraka sat up and clutched onto Tsuyu's shoulder, looking up at Katsuki.

"Open up wide or whatever.." Katsuki gently held the cap to her lips and tilted it up, letting it dribble down her chin a bit.

"PLEH! This is gross!" She coughed, her eyes shooting open once she swallowed the medicine.

"What, you wanted pills instead? You look better already," Katsuki commented, "I suggest you two stay here until school is out, Midnight shouldn't be suspicious if I stay in my room with Sho." Katsuki glanced over at him, he was holding a makeup wipe he found in the drawer, aggressively rubbing the red off his face.

"Sounds like a plan. Kero." Tsu froggily (is that even a word?) smiled.

"See you." Katsuki said just as Shoto was finished rubbing everything off.

The two sat in Katsuki's room and watched movies for the remainder of the day, comfortably sleeping in the night. While Tsuyu took care of Uraraka and got her temperature to go down significantly.


Shoto and Katsuki sat in their seats, a stack of work in front of them. The entire class had asked many questions about them being expelled, and as extra punishment they had to answer each of them in detail. Luckily none of the questions were really bad and no-one found out about Katsuki beating up Kirishima, besides Deku since he visited the boy all the time.

The school bells rang and the sunset became clearer through the windows in the classroom. Students bustled in and out of the hall, lockers slammed and chatter could be heard. Both Shoto and Katsuki still worked hard, they had to get this work done quickly. Aizawa only limited them 3 hours to do their work after school, which meant they could only do about 40 of the 1,000 papers they had everyday. Tests and quizzes they missed were extra challenging since Aizawa had to supervise them for those. Aizawa wasn't there to tell them the time when the clock struck 6, or 7, or 8. The boys had no sense of time so they kept working, and working to the point where it was overworking.

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