{4} Virgin Kisses

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"Who was your first kiss?" Tyson asked and Maddie looked at me and smiled.

"Cade." The guys all gasped and I continued eating my lunch.

"How'd it happen?" Gavin asked.

"I was the only one in the 9th grade who had never been kissed so I asked Cade to kiss me."

"What a great friend." Gavin grumbled.

"I bet that didn't take a lot of convincing." Tyson smirked.

"It took a whole week!"

"So did Cade also take your V card?" Gavin raised a brow. Me and Maddie both almost choked on pizza.

"I didn't..."

"He didn't.." we stutter at the same time and start laughing.

"I'm a virgin." She finally sputtered out. I was shocked she was still a Virgin.

"Good to know." Gavin smirked at her.

"Party tonight at my place." Gavin announced as we all threw away our trays.

"We'll be there." Maddie grabbed my hand and nodded.

"Good because you're the guest of honor." Gavin grabbed her hand away from mine and intertwined their fingers.

"Oh really? Why is that?" she asked and Gavin twirled her suddenly,causing her to gasp.

"Would it be too blunt for me to say I want to take your V-card?" Gavin laughed nervously and we all looked away awkwardly.

"Not happening." Maddie scoffed and pulled her hand away from him.

"I wouldn't let it happen." I gave a stern look to Gavin to tell him he went too far.

"Relax! It was a joke." Maddie scoffed at Gavin.

"Where's the rest of your outfit?" I asked her as she returned with a black lacy bralette and a short tight black skirt.

"I don't know,why don't you help me find it." She winked at me.

"Here,you're going to freeze to death." I forced my hoodie over her head.

"Come on,we're gonna be late!" She whined and tried to drag me out the house.

"I'm driving." She called and ran to the car.

"No way."

"Yes way! I called dibs." I finally gave in knowing she wouldn't give up.

"Can't keep my hands to myself
I mean I could, but why would I want to?"

"Keep your hands on the wheel!" I shout at Maddie after getting whiplash from a pot hole in the road.

"We're here!!!" She squealed and hopped out the car. I followed her inside trying to ignore all the guys who were staring her down like fresh meat. Who could blame them?

"Cade! Madison!" Tyson hugged us both,almost spilling the cup of beer in his hand.

"Gavin has been waiting for you." Tyson told Maddie.

"Madison..you look..hot!" Gavin appeared behind us. His hand connected with her waist and he turned her around.

"Nice house." Maddie said sweetly.

"Do you want a drink?" Gavin asked and she nodded,taking his hand.

"There goes Madison's virginity." Tyson snickered and sipped his drink.

"She's not dumb enough to fuck Gavin."

"Maybe not,but Gavin is smart enough to fuck her. Unlike you." He patted me on the back and walked off. I looked for Maddie and it didn't take long for me to find her dancing.

"Cade! You have to dance with me."
How was she already drunk?

"Pleaseeeee." She begged,her plump pink lips in a pout. She batted her long eyelashes and held onto my arm.

"How could I say no to you?" I ask, rhetorically.

"You can't."
She was right,I couldn't.

Her hips swayed to the beats while her hands danced gracefully in the air,her hair flopping with her each time she twirled herself. I put a hand on her waist to pull her closer before I twirled her in the air. She gasped but quickly collected herself and giggled. Her smile. It was everything.

"I love you." She whispered,her head rested against my chest as we stood in the center of the dance floor.

"Are you okay?" She asked me when I didn't respond.

"I love you too Maddie."

"I'm exhausted." She panted. Her hair was a mess and she had made it even messier by running her hands through it.

"Come on,let's get you some water." I hold her hand and guide her through the crowded room.

"I needed this." She nodded to herself. I didn't know whether she meant the party or the water.

"There you are!" Gavin ran up to Maddie and wrapped his arms around her.

"Here I am?" He whispered something in her ear but I couldn't hear what.

"I'll catch up with you in a minute okay?" Maddie asked and Gavin began dragging her off.

"No Gavin,not while she's drunk." I pulled him back.

"It's okay Cade. I'm fine,I promise." She kissed me on the cheek and ran off.

"You good man? You look tense." Ty walked up and threw an arm on my shoulder.

"Im fine. It's Maddie I'm worried about. She ran off with Gavin."

"She'll be fine. Come on let's go drink." Ty and I played pool for about an hour before he passed out,so I went and searched for Maddie.

"Cade.." I hear Maddie's sweet voice call me. She sounded tired,her voice was like a soft whisper.

"I'm sleepy. Can we go home?" She practically fell into my arms and I steady her. I look her up and down,the sleeve on her shirt had fallen off her shoulder,her hair a mess,a faint purple mark on her neck finally confirmed my theories,or at least one of them.

"Hey guys,what'd I miss?" Gavin had an arrogant smirk as he approached us. His shirt undone by 3 buttons and his belt not fully buckled. Was I wrong? Had Maddie actually fallen for his teasing and flirting?

"I'm going to take Maddie home. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"I had fun,I'm glad you came." Gavin rubbed Maddie's shoulder,she was already almost asleep. I didn't ask any questions the ride home while Maddie slept. I carried her inside as carefully as possible,but she still woke up.

"Cade?" She whispered.


"I had sex with Gavin." She whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear her.


Author's Note-

Sooo...were you guys/gals expecting this? 🥶

Mavin= Maddie & Gavin ?
Made= Maddie & Cade ?

What do you think of the story/characters so far? Feel free to correct any grammatical errors you may find in the comment section. ANY SHIPs?????
Give me feedback on things you love/hate! I love CONSTRUCTIVE criticism,it helps me grow as a writer!

<I do not own the image above!>

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