{5} A Big Cup of Regret

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I wake up to the sound of water running and I noticed Maddie not in bed.

"Maddie?" I knocked on the bathroom door.

"It's open." I brushed my teeth while she showered,the black curtain shielding me from seeing her naked.

"Hey Cade?" She called when I opened the door to leave.

"Could you get me some coffee?" I looked around the kitchen,but there weren't any coffee grounds. I decided to go through Blair's Coffee Palace's drive-thru since it was the closest. I knocked on the door before coming in the room in case she was still getting dressed.

"Come in." She was laying on my bed wearing gym shorts and one of my shirts,her hair in a messy bun.

"I picked up some Advil too." She smiled and took the coffee.

"You're the best." She gave me a small smile.

"How're you feeling?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"My head hurts. A lot." She laid her head down on the bed.

"Did you wanna talk about last night?" Her eyes fell nervously.

"What about it?"

"Before you fell asleep,you were crying. You told me you had sex with Gavin."

"Did you want to have sex with him?"

"I don't know. I was drunk."
There was something she wasn't saying.

"Do we have to go to school today?" She looked up at me.


"Yes." My dad corrected me and we both groaned.

"I know the two have you have always shared a bed but that was because we assumed we could trust the two of you to not explore beyond your friendship. But we should've known as the two of you got older these sorts of things would start happening.." my dad trailed on and I didn't realize where he was getting these things from until I followed his eyes to the hickey on Maddie's neck.

"Oh my god dad,no. That's not..we didn't...I didn't.." I stutter and my dad's face turned a tinge of pink while Maddie's cheeks turned red.

"Oh. I see..Still,I expect the two of you to respect our rules and not be comforting eachother in any ways that aren't friendly."

"Got it." I hurried my dad out and Maddie groaned with embarrassment.

"Do you have a hoodie I can wear? One that covers my.." she mumbled and I nodded,tossing her a hoodie. I turned my head when she pulled off her shirt.

"You aren't singing." I deadpanned while driving.

"Not in the mood." She sighed as I pulled into the school.

"So....Anything new?" Tyson put his elbow on Maddie's shoulder and poked the hickey.

"Nope." She mumbled popping the 'p'

"Well Gavin seems awful giddy today. Wonder if he got lucky last night.." Ty dragged on and Maddie growled at him.

"I wouldn't know."

"Where is he anyway?" I asked looking around.

"Detention,he'll be here soon."

"You don't have to be so shy about it. Gavin told the whole first period about how he popped your cherry." Tyson made a popping noise with his mouth and
Maddie put her hood on and covered her face with her hands. I grabbed one of her hands and held it in mine to comfort her.

"Should've let me pop that cherry." A guy smirked as he passed by our lunch table and I grabbed the back of the collar on his shirt,pulling him back to me.

"Chill man,you're choking me!" He shoved me back but I still had a hold of his collar and I pulled him back to my face so he could hear me clearly.

"If you ever speak to her like that again,I'll kick your ass." I was the one to shove him this time and he flew back,knocking into Gavin.

"Really man?! I just got here!" He picked up whatever was left on his tray and sat beside Maddie. I huffed,clenching my fists and sat down,trying to keep from hitting Gavin.

"How're you feeling babe?" I notice him slip his hand on her thigh and she quickly pushed it off.

"Cut it out." She growled.

"Someone's cranky,long night?" Tyson winked at Maddie.

"Still sore?" Gavin smirked at her and she glared at him.

"I hate you."

"Hangover?" He asked.

"..and a big cup of regret." She sipped her coffee,this was her 3rd cup today.
•      •        •

"Where's Maddie?" My mom asked as we sat down for supper.


"Is she sick? Did you two get into an argument?"

"No,mom. She's fine. We're both fine."

"Your father told me about the..and I hope you know that if the two of you have decided to...." She rambled and I quickly stopped her crazy ideas.

"I didn't give Maddie the hickey mom." My mom looks shocked but quickly regains herself.

"You know it's okay to be jealous that Madison has a boyfriend,it doesn't mean you like her or anything."

"They aren't dating and I'm not upset." I groan and go back to eating.

"I'm sorry it's just so quiet without Maddie here. She loves to talk."

Author's Note-

Madison isn't acting herself.. what do you guys think? Was Gavin in the wrong?

What do you think of the story/characters so far? Feel free to correct any grammatical errors you may find in the comment section. Any ships?¿
Give me feedback on things you love/hate! I love CONSTRUCTIVE criticism,it helps me grow as a writer!


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