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"Annyeonghaseyo, welcome to the Nightshade beauty store." I greeted the customers with a genuine smile and bow.

They were both girls and appeared to be in middle school due to their classy uniform. Nervously they replied bowing and casually looked around the store with awe.

Still giving out a soft smile I walked towards the young girls. "If you girls need anything just let me know, okay."

"O-Oh, okay." The friend nodded shyly. She was holding two blush sets and stared at them intensely. One was dark red while the other was a rosy peach color.

"Thinking which one would look good on you?" I asked.

"Y-yes, they're both really nice colors." She sighed, handing both of the sets back in the shelf.

"The rose blush really compliments your fair complexion. Would you like me to apply some for you?" I mannerly smiled and took the rosy blush off the shelf.

The young girl looked at her friend for some sort of approval. Her friend slightly pushed her and nodded.

"S-sure, I don't mind!" she giggled.

"Right this way, then." They followed me to a fluffy white chair that had a huge mirror in the front.

"There you're all set." I moved aside so she can look at her reflection through the mirror. She smiled at the light pink touch I added to her delicate face.

"What do you think? Planning to buy this?" I asked her.

"Y-yes. Kamsahamnida!" The two girls bowed down and walked towards the counter for their payment. I waved goodbye as the two left the store.

I loved doing other people's makeup. To me it was a form of art that brought out a beautiful picture. I started working at the Nightshade not so long ago. Being an employee here comes with 3 important rules.

1. Always bring out your best smile and manners to your customers no matter what age. Check!

2. Ask if they need and help or preferences. Check!

3. Give them a free makeover to try out our items. Check, check, Check!

"Girl, you are on a roll." my friend patted my back, placing the money inside the cashier.

"It's just my job, Ji eun." I affirmed, relaxing my elbows on the counter.

"Ever since you came here, customers have been coming in." she exclaimed. What's your secret?"

Her face was inches away from mine which startled me.

"Yah! Your face is way to close!" I pushed her head away causing her to lean back.

"I simply just do what I have to do for this store." I answered.

Ji eun was massaging her forehead then cleared her throat. "Why did you come back here? If I were you I would just stay back in Los Angeles."

"Homesick." I said bluntly.

"Jas, you should use your degree in something bigger than Nightshade." Ji eun tapped my head with a pen.

"I am."

"No no no no, this place doesn't count. Honestly, try aiming big like your sister." she nudged my shoulders.

"Just because Aoi made it big doesn't mean I should too." I emphasized.

The girl shrugged. "It is still up to you how you use that talent of yours."

I looked around the room thinking about what Ji eun said. My makeup skills are beyond good but I still haven't decided what to do with it.

Before long, more customers came in the building.

I took a deep breath and smiled at their presence. "Annyeonghaseyo!"


a/n: How did you like the first chapter? Comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote!

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