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"Leejan!" I cried as I walked down. The chic boy casually turned his head towards me. His posture straightened and a tiny grin appeared.

"What are you doing here?" I curiously asked, checking our surroundings if anyone was around.

"Just taking a break from my drive." he said, slamming his palm on a motorcycle.

I turned my head to see the automobile. "I didn't know you drive a motorcycle."

"We only met once. There's a lot of things you don't know about me." Leejan nonchalantly replied back, raking his hair off his face.

I cautiously nodded and took a step back from him.

"Anyways, I have to run an errand for a friend of mine. Talk to you later." I ended.

"Oh where?"

"In the mall. A designer store is selling a expensive sweater for a short price." I informed the boy.

"I can take you there." Leejan suggested, putting on his helmet. I didn't want to cause too much trouble for him.

"No it's fine." I sheepishly smiled, waving a hand to him.

"Don't worry. It would be my pleasure." he nodded , giving me a spare helmet from behind.

It took a moment for me to accept his offer. " Okay" I muttered.

I sat behind Leejan and awkwardly wrapped my arms around his waist. He didn't give out a reaction assuming that he was already used to it.

"So you said the mall, correct?"

"Yep." I responded.

He started the engine of his motorcycle which made a loud rumbling noise. I flinched at the noise and hid my head behind Leejan's shoulder.

"Sorry if it startled you." He apologized.

"No worries." I shook my head.

He's surprisingly apologetic...

When we drove down the freeway, strong wind was blowing through my delicate hair. I squeezed Leejan's waist whenever he went faster than usual.

It was my first time riding a motorcycle and probably my last. The fact that your only protection is a helmet was too dangerous for me to handle.

We finally reached the parking lot of the mall. Being a total gentleman, the boy helped me get off the seat.

I tried fixing my messy hair into a high ponytail which thankfully worked out beautifully.

"Thanks for the drive." I told Leejan. The chic boy flashed a friendly smile and nod.

"I'll accompany you." He offered.

I gave him a dumbfounded expression. "Eh?"

"Just in case. I don't want you to be here all alone."
I bashfully smiled at his gentleman acts.

"Okay, bodyguard..." I teased.

We entered the mall together and observed what laid inside.

"I'm not sure where Deluxx is..." I mumbled.

"Here." he said, tapping my shoulder for my attention.

I turned my head and saw the store across from me. We casually walked over there with silence.

An extremely long line was trailing down the entrance. "Just great."

Leejan and I exchanged the same frustrated facial expression.

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