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"Annyeonghaseyo!" I greeted the new customers as they walked in.

I was helping out Ji Eun since she was down with employees. It was my day off in Fantagio so I thought of helping a friend out.

"Thanks again, you're such a lifesaver." Ji Eun violently hugged me.

"L-Let g-go" I winced.

She released me from her grasp and petted my hair. "So tell me, how was the photoshoot?"

Taking a deep breath, I cleared my thoughts.

"It was nerve racking at first but everyone made me feel welcomed and comfortable." I summed up.

Facing away from her, I placed the new beauty merchandises on the shelves. Ji eun, on the other hand, watched me do her job.

"You should totally do a photoshoot with that boy group. What were their names again?..." She snapped her fingers, thinking.


"Yeah!" Her face lit up. I playfully rolled my eyes and continued to organize the shelves.

I sighed, at the thought. "I don't think their manager would let me."

After I finished placing the merchandises on the shelves, I walked towards the cashier for a customer's payment.

"That will be 20,000 WON." I said. Once the customer bestowed her money to me, I ripped out the receipt.

I raised my head up and smiled warmly. "Kamsamhida!"

The whole store was now left with me and Ji Eun.

A text vibration occured in my back pants pocket causing me to flinch. Without hesitation I grabbed my phone to check who messaged me. My whole body stiffened from the contact I saw.

"Who is it?" Ji eun asked, peeking through my phone.

"Just a friend at work." I responded, eyes still at my phone.

My curious best friend narrowed her gaze at me as if I was hiding something. "Is this person one of your kpop idols!"

Placing my phone back in my pocket, I turned to face my best friend.

"Yeah, he just asked if I had my day off."

Ji Eun's expression changed. "Oh so this person is a guy.~" she nudged my arm.

I ignored her and continued to organize another shelf.

"Do you like him?" She followed from behind still pestering me.

"He's just a friend." I reassured her. Ji Eun still looked unsatisfied. "What does he look like?"

Taking a deep breath, I made a irritated look to my best friend. "You can search him up on the internet."

Following my orders, she hastily took out her phone and opened the web.

"Name?" she tapped my shoulders.

"Moonbin." I said. My stomach was churning excitedly just saying his name out loud.

Ji Eun hummed a note from the picture she saw.

"HE IS GOOD-LOOKING." she exclaimed, looking up and down at the picture. I slightly smiled from the reaction Ji Eun had.

More customers came in Nightshade.

Ji Eun was still fangirling about Moonbin that she didn't know that they came in the building.

"Ji Eun do your job and help those customers outz" I ordered, taking her phone away. She pouted and sluggishly walked towards the people.

Acting as if nothing happened, I continued to put new makeup essentials on shelves and boxes. It felt nice being back in Nightshade.

You didn't have to worry much of being around famous idols. Including the ones that make your heart race.

"JASMIN!!" Ji Eun approached freakishly. I backed a few steps away and held her down.

"What now..." I tiredly asked. The girl showed me a coupon from a designer clothing store. Hesitantly, I took the coupon from her hands and read what was labeled.

"Limited time purchase, Maroon Sherpa Jacket from DELUXX." I read out loud.

I stared at the piece of paper for awhile not understanding. "What do you want me to do?"

Ji Eun looked at me cheerfully. "I'll lend you my money and you buy it for me!"

I gave her a are-you-serious expression. "I'm not your servant."

"Pweeaase!!" She went on her knees begging.

"DELUXX is a designer store and this jacket is so pretty!" She described like a child asking her mom for a doll.

People were giving us stares as if we were crazy.

"Okay okay..." I sighed. "Just get off the ground!" I scolded, helping her get up.

"Thank you so much Jasmin!" She smiled, hugging me violently. I patted my best friend's head as a response.

"Here this is 100,000 WON." she told me, giving her money.

"Is this enou-" She cut me off as she pushed me to the door.

"Byee!" Ji Eun chimed.

I was out of the building exposed to the sunlight. "So weird..." I mumbled beneath my breath, looking back at Nightshade.

I was strolling down the street listening to some of Astro's music. It was such a gorgeous day to have the day off.

"Mmm mmm.." I was humming to the song By your side. Moonbin already told me the backstory of the song which actually made me tear up a bit.

Keeping a constant pace I noticed a familiar face out the distance. Squinting my eyes to have a better look I found out who it was. Smiling softly I ran towards the person.



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