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I was sitting across from my best friend. The atmosphere in Ji's room was filled with all sorts of pink. Bedcovers, stuffed animals, and even a pink T
television. It was totally different from my plain white bedroom.

"Are they good-looking?" Ji Eun asked me curiously.

"Aren't all kpop idols good-looking though?" I argued. We were discussing about my new job.

"Duh, but did you feel like one of them caught your eye the most?" She narrowed her eyes and wickedly bit her lips.

"Nah." A complete lie. You were still thinking about Moonbin.

"Whaaat?" She raised her eyebrows then closed her eyes.

"My brain is telling me that you'll fall in love with one of the members.~" she sang.

"That brain of yours will only get you into trouble.~" I teased, following the same tune.

"That is true." Ji eun admitted.

"How's Nightshade. Is everything running smoothly?" I asked.

She smiled at me and nodded. "Some customers were pretty sad that you left."

I pouted at the thought.

"Aye, wipe that look off your face. I told them that my best friend was working with kpop idols!"

"Don't rub it in their faces!" I scolded, throwing a pillow at her.

"Which company are you even working for?" Ji eun asked, cupping her delicate cheeks to support her head.


"Ohhh, I thought it was like JYP or YG." She cleared out.

"Nope, my sister did email them but they never replied." I shrugged.

"I'm fine with fantagio. They may not be the biggest company but the atmosphere inside is filled with laughter and smiles." I stated.

"And handsome men." she mumbled.

"What did you say?"




  We were eating at a fancy restaurant. It felt like a palace inside. Diamonds and jewels hanging from the ceiling and smooth red velvet carpet to match any occasion. I was with my boyfriend, Liam Soon, having a casual date.

"Aoi, how do you like the food?" He asked me.

I gave out a genuine smile. "It's delicious. This restaurant never fails to surprise me."

"Do you have a favorite from the last places we ate at?" He added on.

"I can't choose. They were all very good." I pointed out.

He replied with a smile and continued eating.

"How's your sister?"

I took a sip from my champagne and cleared my throat. "She's fine. I helped her find a job that was well suited for her degree in cosmetology."

"Oh wow. We should celebrate sometime." he noted.

"Mmm." The champagne was still lingering in my mouth. "What about Leejan, is he alright?"

Liam exhaled a breath. "Honestly I don't even know with that boy. He wants to do everything his way."

He seems very disappointed.

"He's still at his rebellious stage. Maybe he just needs a friend to support him." I said while swaying the champagne glass.

"Maybe," he relaxed for a bit. "We can introduce Leejan to Jasmin and hope that they'll become-"

"You can't force it. It needs to come out naturally." I protested.

"That's true." he said in defeat.

I bit my lips, thinking. "Liam, does Leejan still live with you?"

"Yeah, but most of the time he runs around at night. Probably doing illegal things."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't think illegal things. He's still a smart boy."

Liam smiled and continued eating his meal.


"What's even good here?" I whispered to Ji eun's ear. 

"The strawberry and mango milkshake is delicious but also the fresh cut grass juice is good too." she whispered back.

"G-Grass?" I said, almost gagging. "We're not goats!" I whispered loudly.

"I think I'll just go with the Strawberry and mango milkshake..." I confirmed.

We were at Ji eun's local beverage store, Sweet Shakes. She told me to try some of their drinks so I tagged along with her.

At the side of my eye, I noticed Ji Eun feeling uneasy.

"You good?" I asked, staring at her.

"Jasmin, take my money. I gotta use the bathroom so badly." she winced.

"Okay, but what do you want?" I frantically asked.

"The same as yours!!" Ji eun started dancing.

"Go! the bathroom is right there." I pointed. She nodded and ran to the door.

After I ordered our drinks, I sat down at a table close to the serving spot.

"Order for Leejan!" The barista yelled out.

A boy in a black hoodie, ripped light blue jeans, and sneakers came walking down casually to grab his drink. I didn't want to stare like what some younger girls were doing behind my table.

When I saw a glimpse of his face,  he was staring right at me. Eyes looked cold yet warm. Not gonna lie he was very handsome: just like a model.

"Woah..." I muttered.

Ji Eun came panting back to me. "Girl, never go to this bathroom again." she panted.

The boy looked away and left the store.

I was still gazing at the boy outside. "What did you say?" I said, coming back to Ji Eun.

"Never mind. Did you get our drinks?" Right when I was about to answer, the barista yelled my name and order.

With our drinks, we left the store and walked to the bus stop.

"Thanks for taking me here." I patted my friends shoulder.

"No problem!" She gave out a thumbs up. "Don't forget to text me about some drama stirring inside that company." she whispered.

"It's like you want me to get fired." I teased.

"Girl, you know I secretly do." she added.

I hopped inside the bus while Ji Eun was waving.

"Bye-bye" I waved.

"See you some other time, have fun in your new job!" She yelled.


a/n: It was so much fun writing Ji Eun's dialogue because It was like a 2.0 me!
Hope you guys had fun reading this chapter! Stay tuned for Chapter 7! That chapter was honestly the best one I wrote so far

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