Chapter Six

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Heyy so I hope you like this chapterJ no matter how long I make chapters on Microsoft word the most they come out to be is 2 pages! And ill write like 5 pages on word... UGH!!!

Chapter Six:]

I watched awkwardly while Kaylee smiled at me and Aaron. I was getting sick of this silence, so I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a Vitamin Water.

"You're obsessed with those things!" Kaylee followed me in and sat on the counter, "Another thing you're obsessed with: Aaron." I ignored that and whistled.

"HEIDI!" I yelled. My big black dog came downstairs and barked uncontrollably. Did I ever mention I had a dog? Well I love her. "Hey Heidi, you want some food?" I asked. Kaylee rolled her eyes for my sudden subject change.

"Hey Heidi." Kaylee rubbed her shiny coat and she ran to her food bowl. I poured the big bag of dog food into the bowl and turned back to Kaylee who was crossing her arms across her chest.

"I have a yes or no question for you, young KC." She said. I nodded at her and took a long gulp of my drink. She looked around to see if anyone was listening, even though it was obvious no one was.

"Do you like him or not? Tell me the truth, Kace." She whispered. I thought for a second, do I like him? I was about to answer when I heard a quiet fumbling from outside the kitchen. It was really soft, but I could hear it. He's listening in on us? Does that change my idea to tell the truth now? Should I lie? Why do I care if he knows?

I need to be honest.

"Uhm... Yes?" It sounded more like a question. Her face lit up and she clapped her hands happily.

"OH MY GOSH YAY!! you're such a cute couple!!! Really?" She grinned, hopping off the counter.

"Yeah, a lot." I admitted, "Keep your voice down." I told her, even though I know he's listening. Better to keep up the act... I guess. Kaylee's phone lit up and she answered it with a "HEYYLO?"

"No, mom I'm dealing with something here." There was a pause as her mom spoke on the other line. "okay whatever." She hung up and looked at me sadly.

"I got to go, Kimmys birthday party needs setting up. You can come over later and hang out because my whole family, like cousins and people, are coming and you always come over for Kim's birthday." She said, "Don't break tradition," She winked at me and I chuckled.

"Okay I'll be there, I just have to get ready and stuff. But I'll see you in an hour or two, maybe earlier if I feel like helping setting up." I responded. She nodded and left through the back door. I wish she went the other way, so I can text her and ask if Aaron was standing there. Whatever, I'll just have to find out. I walked confidently out of the kitchen but was suddenly pulled into a kiss. My first thoughts were, this guy's a great kisser, he has minty breath, he just heard everything we just said, and there's a huge spark about to blow up in my head.

He's tongue traced my lip, asking for access. I willingly opened my mouth, and his tongue slipped in. There that spark goes! Fireworks irrupted in my mind and I smiled into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands tightened around my waist, in the process pulling me chest-to-chest. This really better be Aaron...

His lips pulled away to breath for only a second before meeting mine again. His cool breath tickled my cheeks and gave me goose-bumps. Oh yeah, this is Aaron. I pulled away and smiled at him, and he returned the favor. Then realization hit me. I admitted I like him... We just kissed... WE JUST KISSED! He read my horror struck face and his expression went from bliss to worry.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. KC, don't be mad at me again. You like me, I heard you. You can't be mad." He pouted. I laughed at his instant apology and looked deep into those honey brown eyes.

"I-I'm not-t." I stuttered. A smile swept across his face and I copied him. He leaned in and touched his forehead to mine. That's when I realized two things.

1.) We're really close because he didn't have to lean in much.

2.) He's a million times taller than me.

"KC...." Aaron said.

"Mm?" I said, in pure happiness. A smile tugged on the side of my lips, but I was determined not to crack one of my ridiculous goofy smiles and ruin the moment. But, I don't have to ruin the moment because Derek walked in and yelled.

"AWW!!!" I pulled away and red became visible on my cheeks. I looked away at the ground while Derek teased Aaron. "Wittle Aawon got a wittle kiss fwom my wittle sister!" Derek said in a baby voice. My cheeks reddened, if that's possible with my embarrassment. Aaron punched Derek in the arm as he walked to the living room, but Derek ignored it and kept following him. They sat on the couch and completely ignored me. He's just going to leave, without talking to me? After that kiss? That's the problem with Aaron! Right when I feel us getting super close, he ignores me or takes a dare or lies or some other shit.

"Aaron." I mumbled. He continued watching TV so I crossed my arms and repeated it louder. "Aaron..." I said, narrowing my eyes.

"One sec, babe." Aaron responded. Babe? Yeah no. He can't call me anything until he gets his ass over here!

"Aaron." A deep growl rose from my throat as I glared straight into the back of his head. "Aaron. Aaron Aaron Aaron Aaron." I repeated, now my goal is just to annoy him.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming." He jumped over the back of the couch and walked to me. "Yeah?" He asked. I craned to look around him, and saw that Derek was watching us with a smirk. I grabbed his warm, soft hand and pulled him upstairs into my room. Derek walked in and yelled,

"No making out!" He laughed at us. I rolled my eyes at my stupid brother and looked to Aaron, when I realized how close we were. I head to literally lift up my head to look at his face. I'm only 5'5" and he's about 6' so he has like 7 inches on me. I took a big step back and glared at Derek. He didn't look like he was leaving anytime soon, with his arms crossed and his smirking face. I sighed in defeat and grabbed Aaron's hand again, dragging him to the bathroom across the hall.

"I'm going to ask you this again, and you need to tell the truth." I said slowly. He nodded, lifting me up and putting me on the sink so we were almost face-to-face. He was still a little taller. "Are you a virgin?" I asked again. He better not lie this time, and if he uses the same answer as last time he better back it up with some details.

"Well... There's like... Uh...." He stammered. I looked at him to keep going and he sighed. "No." He replied. I nodded knowingly.

"Knew it." I responded. He looked at me, confused.

"You don't care?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I'm just happy you told the truth. Besides, what am I supposed to do? Ask for your virginity back? I may not be an expert on losing virginity, but I'm sure that's impossible." I chuckled.

"I just expected you to be a little more, I don't know, angry. Upset." He shrugged. I shook my head again and smiled.

"I'm not like those stuck up girls you date. It's not my business what your love life is." I replied. He thought over his response thoroughly.

"Actually it is, because you ARE my love life at the moment. I'm hoping it stays like that, too, because right now I'm happier than I've ever been. Nothing can top this." He told me, leaning his forehead against mine again. I smirked, but it didn't fit my face at all. I gave up on smirking and just smiled.

"Wanna' bet?" I leaned in and passionately kissed him. We both smiled into the kiss, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He grabbed my arms and urged my closer, even though I really couldn't get any closer. He pulled away and took a deep breath.

"Kiss me again, il mio amore," He whispered. I giggled at his use of Italian words and continued kissing him. His tongue lingered on my lips and I opened my mouth. His tongue explored my mouth once again, then he pulled away and trailed kisses down my neck. The little dry skin on his lips tickled my neck, which felt even better.

"KC, I really need to tell you something." He pulled away and looked at me seriously.

"Yeah?" I asked, copying his expression.

"Ever since I was 12....

I've loved you."

A Sliver of Hope (previously My Brothers Best Friend... Is An Idiot)Where stories live. Discover now