Day 1 - Caught

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The rain... It comes down violently. Beating against everything in sight.

I'm not fully convinced I'm ready to leave here, but I do know it's time to go. So I'm headed off, today...

'It's always so dark when it rains my head spinning and looking around at everything. I don't think I'll ever think about leaving my umbrella behind again.' You think to yourself while you try to step over puddles and anything else, so you don't end up looking like a wet dog when you eventually get to school.

A car speeds past and splashes my ankles and filling your shoes with water. You look up ahead irritably glaring, hope you can just pop the tire then and there. It only gets worse when that slimeball Komashida sticks his head out the window, most likely to lure poor Ann into the car.

"Hey...!" Ryuji yells out at Komashida as he speeds past me, and the car speeds off. Then he starts talking to the frizzy black haired kid. You grab your head at if spurs with pain and everything is filled with a surge of red. Then they speed off towards the direction of the school. 'I guess school is starting soon.' you think as you follow behind them.

You follow a pretty good distance behind them, not for any reason other than you not in the mood to talk. Then the frizzy black hair boy stares back behind him while their walking; you barely get back behind the wall before he sees you.

You follow up behind them at a stop when you see them just standing at the end of the alley staring at a... "castle" you whisper to yourself.

"We didn't," Ryuji pauses to look behind him, "Come they wrong way though..." He looks back at the sign on the castle, "Yeah, this should be right. What's going on here?" He pauses and looks to the other guy, "I guess we'll just have to go and ask."

'It can't be... it's a castle.' You drop your umbrella on the ground staring down a large castle in the place where your school should be.

"(y/n)? What are you doing here? Do you know what's going on?" Ryuji asks you while you walk over to him and the other guy.

'What should I tell him. I mean I've never seen anything like this place before... exactly.' You hesitate just staring at the castle. "I- I... don't know what this is. I don't know where the school went. I was kinda hoping I was dreaming."

Ryuji starts walking up to the school. "Well, we'll just have to go in and see what's going on."

You and Akira follow after him. 'Ryuji has on idea what he's walking into.' You think following after him

"Th- That weird... Where's the school...?"

"Did we make a wrong turn?" Asks the other guy.

Ryuji turns around defensively, "No- This has to be it. I mean it... Should be..." Ryuji pulls out his phone, "Out of service? Where did we end up? The sign was for the school right?"

"Yeah," says the other guy shortly.

"Right you saw it too!"

You look around at the castle trying to understand how large it is. Then you turn to look at the hallway when you hear clunking of metal against the floor. 'It's a Shadow!' You look over to Ryuji sticking your hand in the coat of your uniform. "Hey, Ryu-"

"Jeez! You freaked me out..."

'What' you think actually floored, that Ryuji sounded relieved.

"Who're you? A student?"

'A what?' You question to yourself. 'He really thinks that this is a student.'

"Man your costume is impressive. Is that real armor?"


"C'mon, don't just stand there say somethin'."


"Hey what's goin' 0n?!

'Ryuji, you are a moron.'

"What is this?"

'Not you too black haired guy...'

"Dude I don't know! This shits real..." The shadows take a step closer, "C-calm down! Time out, man!" Ryuji looks at me and the other guy, "We gotta run!" Ryuji tries to take off down a hallway, "Stop standin' around and run!"

The boy tries follow after him down the hall. Neither gets very far and you keep your hand in your school jacket. 'I might have to do it.' you think.

Ryuji gets stopped short by more shadows, "What's with these guys!" he says before he's knocked to the floor violently. Ryuji grunts, "Your gonna break my bones dammit! The hell you think you're-" he barely manages to get out before they hit him again.

Your hand shakes as you prepare yourself for what you plan to do. That's until guards seize your arms and they take you and the others to a cell.

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