Day 1 - Escape

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 As soon as the guards leave Ryuji asks if everyone is okay.

"Yeah, you?" Says the other guy here.

"Yeah, more or less." Ryuji turns to you, "How about your (y/n)? You haven't really said anything about all this."

"I'm fine..." You say staring at the wall. 'What was I waiting for?'

"Looks like this ain't no dream."

"Your right about that Ryuji, we need to get out of here before something bad happens though..." You say standing and walking to the cell bars.

Ryuji runs up next you and slams on the bars. "Hey, let us outta here! I know there's someone out here!" He walks back over to the other guy, "Dammit, where are we!? Is this some kinda TV set?"

You roll your eyes at Ryuji's comment. "Definitely not, Ryuji. What show locks high school kids in a dungeon?" You say as you continue to look around for anything that can help you.

Then loud screams force your attention as you try to look down the hallway to find the source of the scream.

Then Ryuji beings have basically a mental breakdown and start freaking out, "You have got to be shitting me. This is real bad."

Then the other guy and you start to look around the inside of cell while Ryuji continues to freak out. Until you hear loud clanking again.

A distorted voice says, "Be glad that your punishment has been decided upon. Your charge is 'unlawful entry'." You look over, 'unlawful entry, huh?' "Thus you will be sentenced to death."

"Say what!"

Ryuji is interrupted by a familiar voice, "No one's allowed to do as they please in my castle." Komashida says as he comes striding in.

You stare at his eyes and your breath stops. "No way..."

"Wait... Is that you Komashida?"


"I thought is was just a petty thief, but to think it'd be you Sakamoto... Are you trying to disobey me again? It looks like you haven't learned your lesson at all, huh You both even brought a friend this time and that girl too... Maybe because you can't do anything for yourself."

Ryuji immediately retorts, "This ain't funny asshole!"

You squint your eyes at Komashida, 'that girl', what is that supposed to mean.

"Is that how you speak to a king? It seems you don't understand the position your in at all. Not only did you sneak into my castle, you committed the crime of insulting me - The king." Komashida looks as Ryuji smugly, "The punishment for that is death. It's time for an execution! Take him out!"

'No! I have to stop this!' Ryuji retaliates against the guards and says something along the lines of getting out here. 'We are definitely not getting through the guards like this.' Then you and the black haired guy are restrained a guard bats Ryuji around the cell. 'No!' You try to reach into your coat but the guards are holding your arms tightly to beside you. 'I have to reach it' you think as you continue to struggle.

"You guys get outta here!"

"Oh? Runnin away are we? What a heartless friend you are." taunts me and the black haired guy.

Ryuji grunts and says, "They ain't no friend. C'mon! Hurry up and go!"

You pull harder against the guards holding you, 'Come on- You won't need to play hero anymore Ryuji if I can just away from these guys.'

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