Day 2 - Pounding

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You wake up to the sound of your alarm, and your hand immediately shoots to your head. "Oh god, I forgot how awful this is." Your head felt like it was splitting across middle. The late nights, how exhausted you are after summoning your persona, having to wake up again- ever.... You turn your head over and see you slept through your first alarm, which means you have to leave soon.

Your head falls back your shoulders and let out a whine. *knock - knock* "Hey (y/n), we uh... have something to eat before you head off to school. If you would you know, like to have some." You hear foster mother say from the other side of the door.

You roll your eyes and toss yourself out of bed. "I'll keep that in mind," you respond blandly. You hear her feet go down the hallway as you get dress and ready to book out the door to avoid any and all interaction with them. 'I really can't go on like this, I could honestly die.' you think to yourself as you trip on your shoes on the way out the door. After you shut the door you realize it has been raining wildly.

'Is it worth it to go back in and get my umbrella?' You look back at the door and shake your head. 'Definitely not... I'll just have to buy a new one at convenience store on the way.' You take off down the street, then walk into the convenience store. Walking around the aisles panting you pick up the cheapest umbrella on the rack. 'Did it really have to be a color like yellow? Its so bright...' You walk up to the counter and take your card out ignoring the person attending the registers small talk.

When your turning around to leave to barrel into a person passing behind you. You look at them on the floor debating weather or not the really need the help getting up. 'The least I can do is apologize.' You start walking past the blunette who was still on the. "Sorry about that." you say without sparing a glance back at them and finish you walk to school.

Time Skip

During lunch you go down the stairs and overhear Kamoshida harassing Ann. You slow your pace to the vending machines just listen a little longer without stalking around. 

"Its for a for special summer issue so I can't miss it." You can almost hear Ann turn away from Kamoshida's eyes.

"Hey, now... Being a models fine and dandy, but don't work your pretty little self to the bone," You can hear the smugness in Kamoshida's voice, "You mentioned you weren't feeling well, right? Something about appendicitis?"

You shake you head as you walk out of earshot. 'Appendicitis is potentially life threatening and is not something that lasts a few days.' You head to the vending machines and get yourself a drink.

'I wonder if those guys plan on trying to go back to that place. From what little I know about Ryuji isn't not a far shot from doing something stupid.' You watch the clouds from the bench and take a sip from your drink. 'Maybe I should follow them after school if they do decide to go. It's not like I'm recognizable with the whole suit on.'

Time Skip

You sit at the top the stairs in front of the school. You watch students leave and cars pass by until you see Ryuji run to catch up with Akira. 'Knew it' When Ryuji catches up they exchange boring greetings when Ryuji gets right to the juicy stuff. "I wanna talk about the castle from yesterday. I tried tellin' myself it was all just a dream... but I couldn't do it. I can't act like nothing happend. it's all connected to that bastard Kamoshida, after all."

'Figure that out on your own did you?' You continued to listen to Ryuji ramble on endlessly and watched Akira agree to his ridiculous scheme. They finish up talking and stared to walk off to look for the castle. After a bit of waiting you end up watching them round back to the school 3 or 4 times. At some point you finally heard them come to the conclusion of the app on the phone.

'Finally' You scoff and use the nav app and head into the castle before they do so you can go ahead and transform.

They run in soon after you; so you take cover behind one on the large pillars in room. Ryuji looks around the room and says, "We made it back... That means what happened yesterday was for real too..." You take a deep breath and try to not make too much noise as you listen to him. 'Will he ever get over this? Will he always question if its real? He has said the "Theres no way this a dream" thing like nine times now."

When Ryuji eyes fall on Akira he starts yelling and attracts attention as you do in a hostile castle, "Gah! Those clothes! That happened last time too huh? What's with that outfit?!"

Akira smirks at him and says "You jealous?" You roll your eyes and scoff at the ridiculous banter.

Ryuji proceeds to stutter some statement of denial until Morgana interrupts their dumbassery, "Hey! Stop making such a commotion!"


Morgana looks around and says, "The shadows started acting up, so I came here wondering what it could be..." Morgana shifts his head again and continues to scold them. "To think you guys would come back to the entrance when you barely manage to escape last time."

Ryuji rapid fires another question before Morgana can finish, " So what is this place? Is it our school?"

"Thats right"

"But its a castle!"

"This castle IS the school. But ONLY to this castles ruler."

"This castles ruler?" Ryuji questions loud as ever.

"I think you called him Kamoshida, its how his distorted heart views you school." Morgana finishes explaining.

Ryuji is still whispering to himself when he starts getting all defensive over not understanding. Yelling at Morgana to make it easier to understand, which he just brushes off. Until they are interrupted by loud pained screaming. You take out your evoker and get it ready. Waiting to pull the trigger until another scream echos across the room...

*Scr-* *Bang* *-eam*

(Brief) Morgana POV

There's another scream when I hear a gun go off in the middle of it. My ears perk up at the sound and I look across the room and see a bright glowing liquid dripping of a column. 'It has to be that armature again.' I continue to listen to her feet as she sprints off down the room toward the place where the screams start from.

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