Out Out.

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Sand had finally left my skin but I was on my way out and so would have to cover my feet in sand all over again. I huffed a little bit annoyed and thinking about how I could have avoided it.

"What is that shit called that you, Cookie, are presently wearing?" I looked down and had a smile form. I hadn't told a soul, aside from my parents and Matt.

"Properly I think it is called a dungaree dress but I call it a dungardress." Tyler just looked at me like I had multiple heads and a hand flopped out in question. Mainly as to how I was 19 years old and still alive. But I had a sneaky suspicion that he didn't know my age.

"Oh, stop it. You're just jealous that you have not come up with the name yourself. Not very original." Tyler tried to blow it off. We both knew it was a joke and Anthony had his camera out recording us. Only I spotted it after the conversation had happened.

"I am original, bitch." Neither of us could hold back our laughs. For love nor money but we kept at it.

"That's not what your channel says." Oohs and aahs filled the room. Clearly, they only intended on spectating.

"Relax guys. We aren't really fighting. We will have sex, with Kelly, later." I laughed and bent over slightly to hide my eyes that filled with tears of joy. That was when I saw the camera.

"Only if you can find a condom large enough for my meaty schlong." I had begun to wipe the tears from my eyes as we headed out of the door. Only John moved though. Tyler kept loudly announcing,  'What the Fuck' over and over. In my head, I laughed even harder.

"Don't act all surprised by this revelation. If you look at the groin she has quite the large outline." We began to walk out and I got to catch up with John. He wrapped an arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. Then he lifted me and my sandals lost most of the sand from them. I was being carried bridal style.

"I'm wearing a dress." He pretended not to hear me. I hit his chest and he oofed me on the spot and the feeling of air moving all the way around me filled my mind. Just as I was due to hit the floor arms caught me. My body laid in Evan's arms. I was unable to get free from his arms and all I could do was be loud.

My feet hit the floor again when the solid ground was beneath us and I was allowed to walk again. My hands laid limp at my sides but Evan linked our fingers. I let it happen as we were such good friends.

"Can I ask a favour?" I hummed and looked up at him. Wondering what it was that I had been chosen to help with.

"I met this girl out in Canada. She is also in the Bahamas. I had no clue this was the case. Do you mind meeting her and telling me what you think?" I nodded and let my fingers tighten around his. We walked in sync with each other until the place was in our eyesight. He then continued to tell me of the plan. For me to go and not actually meet her but to watch from afar.

"I will be subtle don't worry. I will bring John and we can have a date a few tables off from you. It'll be fun. Tomorrow night?" He nodded and thanked me before placing his arms around me. Making me feel safe and I remembered my parents.

"My dad used to do that. I mean, wrap his arms around me as we walked. It made me feel so embarrassed. I wish I had let him do it more now." My eyes stang but Evan held me tighter and I blinked the tears away back to the dark cave they emerged from.

"How did they, um. You know, get killed? I mean, I assume they weren't ill." I nodded but had to wait a second. Waiting for my pain to wash back.

"Four words. Well, five. Long walk, short cliff but the fifth word is suicide." Evan was all I had to talk to and I was glad. I had talked Matt to death with all my anger and rants. Not even mentioning the messages.

"We live and we move on though. I have an amazing group of friends now and most of all, you have a new girlfriend." We were walking a little ahead of the others and so ended up getting there first. We got to the table but a place was set for us all. Apparently, that was usual for the restaurant as they put out place names.

Names were taken and we were placed. The couples had obviously been put together but I ended up on the other side of the table to Evan. He was a single bean and I was with Jaren and John.

"Hey," We both gave as a greeting in sync and then the table was faced. Obviously, just because we ended up having to share one of their menus. Jaren held it and I ended up in desperate need to make up my mind quickly for once. Making decisions wasn't easy for me. He knew that.

"Thanks." Nachos would fill me up quickly but they were a share item so I turned to John who had been ignoring me.

"Do you want to share Nachos?" He was so quick to agree that I thought he may have a serious issue. I laughed and decided on it. I saw Jaren watch the menu for a little longer until he had decided. I had managed to make my own mind up for the first time in forever.

By the time the food came, John was so busy talking to others and Kelly was just the same on Jaren's side that we were almost forced to talk. I elbowed John. He wasn't smooth at all. Or subtle. Kelly would be talked to later. She seemed to be excellent at ignoring both Jaren and me.

"I didn't hear you leave for the airport." He just nodded and continued to eat his food just in front of him.

"I'm surprised you agreed to come. Just, you being shy and all." I could only agree with him. Both of us were camera shy but I had been a lot worse than he had.

"So was I but I figured that they had seen me already. Anyway, how are you?" Jaren then fell into a silence and I knew I had got him in a sticky situation.

"Don't worry about it. You don't have to even answer. I am full so I might go for a run. I will see you around." I was so awkward and I hated it. My literal job was to talk. And I had the ability to talk some real shite but all it took was Smii7y and my ability to talk was gone.

Standing with no explanation caused no one to notice. Assuming I needed the bathroom, or to avoid Jaren so I took the time to walk from the place. My sandals were slipped to my hands and then I slipped them into one of the bags I believed to be Evan's. My phone went with it.

I set off and my pace was far higher than my body was used to as I literally ran the second the door to the restaurant was met.

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